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Morocco's Digital Transition Minister seeks stronger ties with French investors
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 10 - 2024

Morocco's Digital Transition and Administrative Reform Minister, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, met with a delegation of French business leaders and investors on Tuesday in Rabat. The meeting aimed to strengthen Morocco-France cooperation in the digital and high-tech sectors.
El Fallah Seghrouchni emphasized the exceptional partnership between Morocco and France, built on a shared desire to strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation in strategic areas, particularly digital technology. She highlighted Morocco's economic transformation and its emergence as a preferred destination for international companies, especially those involved in digital innovations and advanced technologies.
«This meeting comes in line with a 'drive seeking to promote virtuous and sustainable partnerships in the strategic digital sector'», she noted, highlighting the Kingdom's economic transformation, which has turned it into a destination of choice for international companies, particularly those engaged in digital innovations and advanced technologies.
El Fallah Seghrouchni also emphasized Morocco's significant infrastructure projects, which position the country as a strategic gateway between Europe and Africa. She highlighted the Maroc Digital 2030 national strategy, which aims to establish Morocco as a regional leader in digitalization and strengthen its global economic position.
«Today, Morocco is an essential gateway to the African continent», she added.
Patrick Martin, President of the French Enterprises Movement (MEDEF), praised the strong collaboration between France and Morocco in various sectors, particularly digital infrastructure projects. He expressed admiration for Morocco's commitment to technical and technological training, especially in engineering. French companies operating in Morocco are committed to further contributing to the country's digital development.
«Digital infrastructures are a cross-cutting sector, covering issues of technological innovation, training and digital infrastructures», he noted, expressing his admiration for Morocco in terms of technical and technological training, particularly in the training of engineers. «French companies present in Morocco are determined to further their commitment to the Kingdom's digital development».
Christel Heydemann, CEO of the Orange Group, reiterated the company's commitment to continued investment in Morocco, particularly in fiber optics and 5G infrastructure. She emphasized the importance of these investments in supporting Morocco's digital development and enhancing its attractiveness for international events like the 2030 Football World Cup.
«We intend to continue investing in Morocco to support the development of digital infrastructure that are essential for the Kingdom's future», she said, referring to the 2030 Football World Cup, set to be hosted by Morocco alongside Spain and Portugal.
Heydemann noted that this event will allow Morocco to shine on the international stage, thanks to modern digital infrastructure that will enhance its attractiveness.
El Fallah Seghrouchni expressed optimism about the future of Morocco-France cooperation in the digital sector, emphasizing its crucial role in addressing future challenges, such as digitizing public services and creating jobs for Moroccan youth.
«This visit marks a new stage in bilateral cooperation, based on the complementarity and achievements of the France-Morocco partnership, to build new initiatives focused on the development of the digital sector», she added.
«The digital sector is an essential lever for meeting the challenges of tomorrow, particularly in terms of digitizing public services and creating jobs for Moroccan youth».

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