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Morocco, France sign 22 strategic agreements on infrastructure, energy, and cultural cooperation
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 10 - 2024

King Mohammed VI, along with Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, Prince Moulay Rachid, Princess Lalla Khadija, and Princess Lalla Meryem, and French President Emmanuel Macron, accompanied by his wife Brigitte Macron, presided over a signing ceremony on Monday at the Palace of Royal Guests in Rabat. The ceremony marked the signing of numerous agreements between Morocco and France.The agreements are as follows:
1. Memorandum of Understanding on High-Speed Train Sets: Signed by Morocco's National Railways Office (ONCF) Director-General Mohamed Rabie Khlie and ALSTOM CEO Henri Poupart-Lafarge, this contract includes the acquisition of 12 confirmed and 6 optional high-speed train sets.
2. Declaration of Intent on Financial Cooperation in the Railway Sector: Signed by Economy and Finance Minister Nadia Fettah, ONCF Director-General Mohamed Rabie Khlie, and French Economy, Finance, and Industry Minister Antoine Armand.
3. Assistance Contract Between ONCF and SYSTRA/EGIS: This project management assistance contract for the high-speed rail line between Kenitra and Marrakech was signed by ONCF Director-General Mohamed Rabie Khlie and EGIS CEO Laurent Germain.
4. Equipment Supply Contract Between ONCF and VOSSLOH COGIFER: Signed by ONCF Director-General Mohamed Rabie Khlie and VOSSLOH CEO Bertrand Gryspeert, this contract provides for the supply of equipment for the high-speed line between Kenitra and Marrakech.
5. MoU with SAFRAN for Aircraft Engine Maintenance: This agreement, signed by Minister of Industry and Trade Ryad Mezzour, Minister Delegate Karim Zidane, and SAFRAN Chairman Ross McInnes, outlines plans for an investment project worth nearly €130 million to build a maintenance and repair site for LEAP aircraft engines.
6. Preliminary Contract on Green Hydrogen Development: Signed by several Moroccan ministers and Total Energy CEO Patrick Pouyanne, this contract mobilizes land for the investor to support the development of the green hydrogen sector.
7. Strategic Partnership on Energy Cooperation: Signed by Minister of Energy Transition Leila Benali and French Minister Delegate for Energy Olga Givernet, this partnership focuses on cooperation in renewable energy, hydrogen production, and energy transition.
8. MoU on Morocco-France Investment Accelerator: A partnership valued at 3 billion dirhams for sustainable infrastructure, this joint venture was signed by the Mohammed VI Fund for Investment Managing Director Mohamed Benchaaboun, French Development Agency (AFD) CEO Rémy Rioux, STOA CEO Marie-Laure Mazaud, and Bpifrance Director Isabelle Bebear.
9. Declaration of Intent on Civil Protection Cooperation: Signed by Moroccan Interior Minister Abdelouafi Laftit and French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau to promote best practices and joint efforts in civil protection.
10. Declaration of Intent on Wildland Fire Prevention: Also signed by Interior Ministers Laftit and Retailleau, this agreement enhances cooperation in the use of aerial resources to combat wildfires.
11. Declaration Between Morocco's National Ports Agency and AFD: Signed by Minister of Equipment and Water Nizar Baraka and AFD CEO Rémy Rioux, this declaration supports green transition, climate resilience, and blue economy initiatives in Moroccan ports.
12. MoU on Water Strategy Support: Signed by Minister Nizar Baraka, Minister Delegate Fouzi Lekjaa, and AFD CEO Rémy Rioux, this agreement aims to strengthen integrated water resource management with a €100 million program.
13. Framework Agreement on Agriculture and Forestry: Signed by Agriculture Minister Ahmed Bouari and French Minister of Agriculture Annie Genevard to boost cooperation in sustainable agricultural practices.
14. Declaration of Intent for Education Cooperation (2024-2026): Signed by Education Minister Mohamed Saad Berrada, French Education Minister Anne Genetet, and Higher Education Minister Patrick Hetzel to support training, Arabic language instruction, and academic partnerships.
15. Declaration of Intent in Higher Education and Research: This partnership, signed by Higher Education Minister Azzedine El Midaoui and Minister Patrick Hetzel, focuses on fostering university partnerships, scientific cooperation, and innovation.
16. MoU on an African-Oriented French-Moroccan Research Center: Signed by International University of Rabat President Noureddine Mouaddib, CNRS CEO Antoine Petit, and Sorbonne University President Nathalie Drach-Temam, this center will focus on AI, Big Data, cybersecurity, and renewable energy.
17. Declaration of Intent on Cultural Cooperation: Signed by Youth, Culture, and Communication Minister Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid and French Culture Minister Rachida Dati to boost cooperation in cultural industries, heritage, and crafts.
18. Declaration of Intent on the Video Game Industry: Signed by Minister Bensaid, French Minister Jean-Noël Barrot, and Rachida Dati to support Morocco's video game industry, including the creation of a Gaming City in Rabat.
19. MoU on Decarbonization Between OCP Group and AFD: This €350 million agreement, signed by OCP CEO Mostafa Terrab, AFD CEO Rémy Rioux, and Bpifrance Director Isabelle Bebear, supports OCP's decarbonization strategy and food security initiatives in Africa.
20. Joint Development Agreement on Energy Transition with ENGIE: Signed by OCP CEO Mostafa Terrab and ENGIE CEO Catherine MacGregor, this agreement covers five projects, including green hydrogen and desalination for agriculture.
21. MoU for Taza Wind Farm Phase Two: Signed by ONEE Director General Tarik Hamane and EDF Renouvelables COO Bruno Fyot to expand the Taza wind farm by 63 MW.
22. Agreement for a Container Terminal in Nador West Med: Signed by Tanger-Med Special Agency Chairman Fouad Brini and CMA CGM Group CEO Rodolphe Saade, this €258 million project supports Morocco's port and logistics sectors.
The ceremony was attended by senior Moroccan government officials, President Macron's delegation, and several high-ranking dignitaries.

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