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Morocco maintains 92nd spot in 2024 Global Rule of Law Index
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 10 - 2024

Morocco maintained its 92nd position in the 2024 Global Rule of Law Index with a score of 0.48, unchanged from last year. The country ranked 6th in the Arab world, with Denmark, Norway, and Finland leading the global rankings.
Morocco maintained its position in the 2024 Global Rule of Law Index, published by the Washington, DC-based World Justice Project.
The Kingdom ranked 92nd globally with a score of 0.48, unchanged from last year. A higher score closer to 1 indicates greater adherence to the rule of law. Morocco was previously ranked 94th in 2022, 90th in 2021, 79th in 2020, and 74th in 2019.
The World Justice Project, a non-governmental organization founded in 2006, evaluates the rule of law across countries based on eight key indicators: constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice.
Morocco ranked 75th globally with a score of 0.51 in the constraints on government powers indicator, which assesses judicial and legislative oversight of the government, as well as the role of independent bodies and civil society in monitoring government performance.
In the absence of corruption index, Morocco ranked 95th with a score of 0.41. This assessment considers corruption levels in the judiciary, military, and executive and legislative branches.
For open government, Morocco ranked 103rd with a score of 0.42. This index evaluates access to information, public participation, and transparency in government actions.
In the fundamental rights category, Morocco ranked 115th with a score of 0.43. This index examines freedoms like expression, privacy, personal security, workers' rights, and the right to a fair trial.
Regarding order and security, which measures the absence of criminal activity and civil unrest, Morocco ranked 89th with a score of 0.69.
In regulatory enforcement, the Kingdom ranked 78th with 0.50 points. In the civil justice index, which looks at access to justice, fairness, and the absence of discrimination or corruption, Morocco ranked 72nd with 0.52 points. In the criminal justice category, Morocco ranked 95th with a score of 0.37, based on the effectiveness of investigations, judicial reforms, and the lack of government influence on the judiciary.
Regionally, Morocco ranked sixth in the Arab world, behind the United Arab Emirates (39th globally), Kuwait (52nd), Jordan (61st), Tunisia (76th), and ahead of Algeria (84th).
Globally, Denmark topped the rankings, followed by Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Germany. The lowest rankings went to Haiti, Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Venezuela.

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