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Diaspo #358 : Imane Fatih, defying stereotypes and sharing positivity online from Turkey
Publié dans Yabiladi le 12 - 10 - 2024

Imane Fatih, a Moroccan living in Izmir, Turkey, has spent over a decade teaching. She now balances teaching English and French with content creation, showcasing Moroccan culture, food, and daily life to a growing international audience, while combating stereotypes and inspiring others.
On the internet, she's known for her radiant positivity. Imane Fatih shares recipes, tips, tricks, and answers questions for people interested in visiting or moving to Turkey, where she has lived for the past twelve years.
Originally from El Jadida, Imane moved to Izmir, a city on Turkey's Aegean coast, in 2012 right after graduating from university with a bachelor's degree in English literature. The young woman from a small Moroccan town had big dreams.
Once in Turkey, she settled down with her husband and quickly enrolled in a master's program to teach English. Imane's transition to her new environment was smooth, and within just six months, she became fluent in Turkish. «I learned it from talking to people, my husband's family, friends I made at school and work—I adapted quickly», she proudly shared during a phone interview with Yabiladi.
A long career in teaching
For nine years, Imane dedicated herself to teaching. With her master's degree in pedagogy, she taught English in Izmir. «It was tough work with long hours, but it helped me gain a lot of experience in terms of people and the job itself. I benefited a lot from it», she reflected.
However, after the global COVID-19 pandemic, Imane decided to leave her job at private schools. Her decision was driven by two key factors: caring for her young daughter and Turkey's worsening economic situation. «After COVID, I worked for another year, but I decided to leave private schools because the workload was too much, and the pay didn't match up, especially with inflation», she said.
Undeterred, Imane continued teaching but transitioned to online classes. Her platform attracted students from around the globe, including many private students in Turkey. «I teach students from all over, and I've built a strong network from my time teaching in Turkey's big schools», she explained.
At the same time, Imane found another way to share her passions. Initially, she began sending videos to her family back in Morocco to update them on her life in Turkey, sharing recipes and daily activities. Gradually, she moved online.
«I always sent pictures of food, places, and things I did to my family in Morocco. They kept asking for more», she recalls. «We even created a WhatsApp group where I'd send photos, and they kept urging me to start a YouTube channel or an Instagram page».
Imane took their advice and began sharing her life as a working mother in Turkey with a wider audience online. To her surprise, her content gained an enthusiastic following. «I didn't expect that many people would enjoy what I do or send me such kind messages. I'm so grateful, because I do it all genuinely», she said.
Content creation to defy stereotypes
Her online presence remains true to who she is. Through her videos, on Marocaine Turque, Imane recreates the Moroccan atmosphere she misses in Turkey while helping others in similar situations around the world. «I just want to stay true to myself—sharing what I love and don't love. If something doesn't work for me, I won't recommend it to my followers. I want to be honest, especially with people who trust me», she affirmed.
In addition to her Moroccan audience and the Moroccan community in Turkey, Imane creates content in Turkish for locals curious about Moroccan food and culture. Representation is important to her. «I love sharing my culture with the people around me in Turkey, and I'm so proud to be Moroccan», she declared with pride.
Imane is also on a mission to challenge stereotypes about Moroccan women in Turkey. «I want to encourage girls to study and pursue a better future abroad if they can't find it where they are», she said. She strives to show the world that «Moroccan women can study, get degrees, buy their own houses and cars, travel, and have families».

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