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Morocco's new Consulate General in Miami celebrates Throne Day
Publié dans Yabiladi le 01 - 08 - 2024

The Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Miami hosted a grand reception to mark the 25th anniversary of King Mohammed VI's accession to the throne. This was the first major event since the recent opening of the diplomatic representation in Miami.
Held on Tuesday evening at a grand venue in Miami, the ceremony was attended by Moroccans living in Florida, as well as local dignitaries including mayors and elected officials from Miami, Boca Raton, Orlando, and Hollywood, as well as senators.
The event also saw the presence of notable American and Moroccan figures, including the President of the Moroccan American Cultural Society, the President of the Moroccan American Business Alliance, the President of the Moroccan American Chamber of Commerce, the President of the Global Women of Impact Association, the President of the Royal Motors USA Club, the President of the RIATH Foundation, and the Regional Director of the American Jewish Community.
During the ceremony, Moroccan Consul General Chafika El Habti highlighted the significant achievements Morocco has made over the past 25 years, focusing on key projects such as the Atlantic Initiative and the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline. She noted that Morocco has undergone profound transformation in all sectors, including infrastructure modernization, economic growth stimulation, and social reforms.
El Habti emphasized the evolution of Morocco's relationship with the United States into a strategic partnership built on centuries of friendship and cooperation. This partnership has enabled both nations to play crucial roles on the international stage, working closely in multilateral forums to advance regional and global peace and stability.
She also highlighted the Atlantic Initiative as a demonstration of Morocco's commitment to enhancing cooperation between African nations and their global partners, particularly the United States. This initiative is aimed at mobilizing resources, sharing expertise, and collaborating to unlock Africa's potential.
The Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project exemplifies Morocco's strategic partnerships, promising stable energy supplies and a commitment to collaborative growth and mutual prosperity.
Attendees from Florida warmly welcomed the establishment of the Consulate General in Miami, which aims to provide high-quality local services and facilitate consular procedures for the Moroccan community in the southeastern United States. This initiative underscores Morocco's dedication to improving consular services for its diaspora and strengthening their connection to their country of origin.

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