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Moroccan caftan takes center stage at UNESCO's Africa Week Fashion Show
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 05 - 2024

The Moroccan caftan was the star attraction at an African fashion show held in Paris on Wednesday evening as part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Africa Week.
The caftan, a traditional garment that is a living expression of Moroccan identity and the most eloquent demonstration of the dexterity and ancestral know-how of Moroccan maâllems, dazzled a large audience with its beauty, finesse, and glamour. The crowd included diplomats, such as the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to UNESCO, Samir Addahre, artists, designers, international personalities, and journalists.
After the Malian fashion show, which opened the event, the Moroccan caftan in its various expressions took over, to the applause and enthusiastic cheers of the audience.
Dressed by Moroccan stylist Nissrine Zaki, the models took the audience on a journey through time, showcasing the caftan as a living national heritage that transcends the ages while preserving its authentic character.
Nissrine Zaki told national news agency that she was honored to represent Morocco at this UNESCO event. «It's a very important fashion show because we're here to defend our heritage and our legacy, which is the Moroccan caftan», she said.
Her collection showcased a sublime marriage of modern and antique caftans, some of which are almost 100 years old, said the designer, adding that one of the caftans presented to the public at the show is completely woven in gold, and is inherited from generation to generation.
The show also represented the different regions of the Kingdom with their most beautiful authentic jewelry, continued Nissrine Zaki, adding that this colorful spectacle is a story that is told from beginning to end.
«We started with the Merinids, the heyday of the Moroccan caftan, and worked our way up to the present day, to show how Moroccans have managed to protect their heritage and preserve this authentic, traditional beauty that has evolved over time while retaining its authenticity», she explained.
Speaking to MAP, Abderrahim Zemzami, President of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra regional Chamber of Crafts, said that the fashion show at Unesco House was the culmination of a series of events and meetings organized by the Chamber, particularly among craftsmen, to raise awareness of the importance of their role in preserving Morocco's heritage.
Today's parade aims to raise awareness of this heritage and reaffirm that the Moroccan caftan, the Zellij, Slaoui pottery and the Zemmouri carpet are part of Morocco's heritage, protected by a number of UNESCO conventions, and that Moroccans are mobilized to preserve them in the face of attempts by certain states to appropriate them.
The 2024 edition of UNESCO's African Week, held from 22 to 24 this year, featured an eclectic program including exhibitions, workshops for young learners, conferences and debates, artistic events, and tastings of typical African dishes.
The opening ceremony featured Moroccan daqqa marrakchia and Reggada music, in the presence of Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, guest of honor at the event, Samir Addahre, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to UNESCO, and Samira Sitaïl, Morocco's ambassador to France, alongside African ministers, ambassadors and senior officials of the UN organization.

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