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Diaspo #327 : Sara Fassi El Mechachti, a Moroccan lawyer who challenges immigrant stereotypes
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 02 - 2024

Moroccan immigrant Sara Fassi El Mechachti leverages her legal expertise and love of travel to combat negative stereotypes about immigrants and advocate for their rights. Her efforts extend to defending Moroccan women through the power of social media.
Sara Fassi El Mechachti, a Moroccan immigrant, is determined to challenge traditional stereotypes. This drive fueled her pursuit of higher education and her eventual career as a lawyer in Spain, where she champions the rights of both immigrants and Spanish citizens.
Fifteen days after her 1992 birth in Denia, southeastern Spain, Sara's parents returned her and her siblings to their birthplace, Tetouan, Morocco. This decision aimed to immerse them in the dialect, Muslim community, and Moroccan culture and customs.
Sara received her primary education in a Moroccan public school, learning Arabic, before transitioning to a Spanish school in Tetouan for preparatory and secondary education. After obtaining her Spanish baccalaureate, she returned to Spain, fulfilling her parents' initial plan, to pursue higher education.
In an interview with Yabladi, Sara stated, «I earned my bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Malaga. In 2014, I moved to Belgium and completed a master's degree in European Studies». Upon returning to Spain, she worked as a researcher in international law at a university in Almeria for two years, while simultaneously pursuing another master's degree in the same field. After graduating in 2021, she launched her own law firm in Algeciras, employing four Moroccan and Spanish lawyers, including her twin brother.
Their firm focuses on three main areas: immigration law, civil and criminal cases, and administrative issues related to the military. The latter includes, for example, «situations where a soldier faces problems with a superior, or is threatened with expulsion or other issues».
Defending women
Balancing her legal practice with her academic pursuits, Sara, fluent in Arabic, French, Spanish, English, and even Mandarin (gained from a three-month stint in China), is actively researching and preparing for her doctorate on Moroccan women caught between the cultural crossroads of Spain and Morocco. «This topic», she explains, «wasn't a random choice, but one that deeply resonates with me. As a Moroccan immigrant woman myself, it presents a unique opportunity to explore and share our collective experiences».
«My aim is to illuminate the realities and perceptions surrounding Moroccan women in Spain», she continues. «This involves analyzing the evolution of Moroccan law and its comparison to the Spanish legal framework. Unfortunately, Moroccan women often face distinct perceptions here, often viewed as submissive».
Driven by the increasing demand for her services, Sara, who assists both Moroccans and foreigners, is actively planning to expand her law firm this year. The new office will accommodate a larger team of lawyers.
«Winning cases brings immense pride, but nothing compares to the day I secured a residency card for a Moroccan woman living here irregularly for years. Despite spending a fortune on lawyers and her parents selling everything, her requests were repeatedly rejected. This case wasn't financially significant, but seeing the joy on her face when the file was accepted after just a month and a half is a memory I'll cherish forever».
Sara Fassi El Mechachti
Working with immigrants, especially Moroccans, fills Sara with pride, especially considering her father's journey as a construction worker, firefighter, and more. «The happiest day in his life was attending my siblings' and my graduation ceremonies», says the daughter of Tetouan, who beams with pride for her father. «He couldn't finish his education and grew up poor, but he often recalls the day he picked figs at when I was 6 years old to buy textbooks, and here he is with his lawyer daughter».
Traveling beyond borders, creating content
Sara's advocacy extends beyond her legal work. «I love traveling», she says, «and every time I meet people of other nationalities, I tell them I'm Moroccan without mentioning my Spanish citizenship. They're often surprised, asking, 'How can you travel alone if you're from Morocco?' This used to anger me».
Sara navigates the vast ocean of social media content with a distinct aim: to offer meaningful insights and «discover the world through the eyes of a Moroccan Arab woman». She even opts for the same dress in her posts, subtly encouraging viewers to focus on her message, not her appearance.
Inspired by Sayyida al Hurra, a Moroccan privateer leader during the early 16th century, Sarah, the young lawyer, uses her «Al-Hurra» Instagram account to share unique and informative glimpses into the diverse regions and countries she explores.
Despite balancing her courtroom work with travel adventures, Sara harbors plans to invest in Morocco. This venture, however, will deviate from legal pursuits and delve into a project fueled by her passion for exploration.

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