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Diaspo #324 : From Morocco to the world, Anwar blurs borders with folk and pop fusion
Publié dans Yabiladi le 03 - 02 - 2024

Anwar's musical journey began in Tetouan, Morocco, but now he's carving his own path on the international music scene from his base in Brussels. This son of Moroccan immigrants blends folk, blues, and pop influences to create music that transcends borders, as his upcoming album (due March 2024) promises to showcase.
While he may not have discovered his musical calling until later, Tetouan-born Anwar's life initially seemed destined for a different path: economics and management. «My maternal grandparents migrated to Belgium in 1962, bringing my three-year-old mother with them», explains the singer, who grew up alongside his siblings in Brussels. After completing his primary and some secondary schooling, he followed his family's move back to Morocco at 15. Emboldened by his grandfather, a known investor involved in the country's «qoffa» factory, they planned to launch a business venture there.
«Reintegration was tough», recounts Anwar. «My Arabic, learned from my grandparents, felt outdated compared to the contemporary Moroccan dialect. Reconnecting with the country I visited mainly during summers took effort. But Morocco also became a source of cultural and historical understanding, particularly about my family and their ancestral neighborhood. This is where I learned to write Arabic properly». He completed the rest of his schooling in Tetouan, later pursuing a bachelor's in economics and a two-year computer technician program.
Music hadn't been part of his initial plan, but his parents' tastes instilled a deep appreciation. «My father adored 60s and 70s hits, from Woodstock to Jimi Hendrix and James Brown», he recalls. «My mother leaned towards Julio Iglesias and BB King, with occasional touches of Arabic music like Warda». Some high school friends played guitar, and inspired by French literature, especially Alexandre Dumas, Anwar started writing.
«Writing became a creative escape, a way to reconnect with my Belgian upbringing», he shares. «Plus, my father loved finding instruments at flea markets in Brussels, so we always had music gear at home, and music was a constant presence».
From humming to headlining: Anwar's musical journey
Encouraged by a friend's comment about his beautiful voice, Anwar nurtured a musical calling that flourished like a seed sprouting into his current artistry. «I was singing killing Me Softly by Lauren hill, when a friend heard me and said that I could sing», he recalled. His initial foray into local music involved a meeting with a gnaoui in Tetouan, igniting his fascination with the traditional percussion and singing. Later, he joined the fusion group Rif Gnawa, contributing French lyrics and backing vocals.
This collaboration led him to perform at the Gnaoua World Music Festival and L'Boulevard in Casablanca. Before leaving Morocco, he tasted the stage, igniting a passion that drove him to pursue music full-time. In Spain, he supported himself in internet cafes before settling in Brussels.
Despite initial resistance, his family, particularly his parents, remained supportive, even attending his concerts across Belgium and beyond. He emphasizes the invaluable role his family played: «a little family that encourages you to follow through on what you do, regardless of their choice».
In Brussels, Anwar juggled various jobs while immersing himself in the underground scene, honing his skills through numerous Jam Sessions and Open Mics. Gradually, he transitioned from neighborhood stages to the spotlight, crediting every person who recognized his potential for opening doors. «You don't build yourself up on your own», he acknowledges.
«Success doesn't happen in a vacuum. Behind every successful artist is a network of people who have helped them along the way. Of course, talent and hard work are essential, but it's also important to have the support of others».
Anwar is a perfect example of this. His journey from local stages to international acclaim has been helped by many people, including the artist Zaz, who gave him his big break. The singer offered him the opening act for her tour, propelling him onto stages like the Zénith, Olympia, and Casino de Paris.
Double culture, double stages
The legendary stage of the Casino de Paris became a turning point for Anwar, catching the eye of Sony Music representatives who offered him a record deal. This marked the beginning of a string of opening act opportunities with artists like Mickey 3D, Jaine, Boulevard des airs, and Yuri Buenaventura. He subsequently launched into a series of concerts and released «Beautiful Sunrise» with Sony Music France and the American label Colombia Records. In early 2023, his EP «Lights» came out with the independent label ThinkZik, distributed by Universal Music.
Cementing his position as an independent artist, Anwar released an album version of «Lights» in March 2024, again with ThinkZik and Universal Music. «It gave me time to mature, to learn, to refine my lyrics, my artistic direction, and the styles I wanted to use to express my emotions and feelings», he reflects. «Each stage of life brings a new need to express ourselves musically on certain themes more than others».
True to his distinctive style, this second album allows listeners to find themselves in his music, transcending borders thanks to its universality. «My songs are inspired by everyday life, making me a kind of griot who recounts his own experiences and those of others he meets along the way, especially since I love traveling and the connections it fosters», he adds.
Following a first tour with the Circle of Belgian Laureates (CLB) in Morocco, Anwar headlined the tenth edition of Visa For Music in Rabat in 2023. He sees this «amazing experience» as an opportunity to strengthen bridges between Moroccan artists both at home and abroad. This February, he joins other children of Moroccan immigration who are celebrating the 60th anniversary of their community in Belgium.
Several events and reunions in Brussels, in particular, will honor fellow emigrants of yesterday and today, commemorating their history since the 1960s. «My grandparents are among these people. This commemoration becomes a celebration, a chance to witness the contributions of generations carrying this double identity, who have integrated here and enriched both their countries», says Anwar, expressing his «honor» to be part of this event.

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