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! Youth for a Change !
Publié dans Jeunes du Maroc le 20 - 07 - 2005

We, the youth from Article 2-Voice of Youth, welcome the youth of the world to our newsletter. We invite you to see, read, and learn what young people like you are doing to make a difference in the world we live in !
What is ARTICLE 2 ? We are a group of young people from five continents who decided to make the world we live in a better place. We are determined, enthusiastic, dedicated and inventive. We believe youth have the right to express their opinions and put in practice their initiatives. We know the moment to change is NOW and we want to use our talent and energy to help our planet have a brighter future.
Why This Newsletter ?
We are convinced that our ideas can solve great problems. We feel that our actions can change people's attitudes and reactions. We don't give up and we believe in our mission. We can find answers and we know how to fight for our dreams. We discovered we have the power to determine a change. We know that we have no more time for waiting and talking. We, young people all over the world, need to take position and think of possible solutions.
Cause we are decided and because we have hope.
What Can You Do ?
You can join our fight for an improved world !
Open up your eyes ! Let your opinions be heard ! Remember to care ! Say “no” to violence, pain and suffering ! Don't give up ! Fight for your human dignity ! Fight for the integrity of your country ! Fight for the future of humanity !
TAKE ACTION NOW ! Imagine a better world ! Now it's possible !
Get involved ! -Write an article ! -Join “Article2” ! AND -Fight for YOUR IDEAS !
Contact us at : [email protected]
Youth taking action in the developing world
“Are young people aware of the importance of their role in society ? How are they taking action ? Are the governments contributing to encourage the youth to take action ?”
Today, third world countries are facing many political, economic, and social challenges in order to cope with the rapid changes that our world has experienced. And the youth are one of the major agents for development. But are young people aware of the importance of their role in society ? How are they taking action ? Are the governments contributing to encourage the youth to take action ? Young people over 15 years represent more than half of the population in Morocco. So, everyone can deduce the importance of human resources in this country. But, it seems like they aren't properly used, since most of the young people here aren't motivated to get involved into development work. "Unfortunately, there are few young people devoted to act in favor of the progress", says a young member of the Children's Parliament from Rabat, the capital of Morocco. He adds : "My experience in the Children's Parliament permitted me to get in contact with people who are really committed to determine changes in the Moroccan community".
He also explains that the phenomenon of the youth's lack of participation in social work is due to economical problems. "Some parent's think that their children only have to work hard and pursue excellent studies for becoming engineers", he also says. Another member of the same non-governmental institution (which seeks to introduce the youth to democracy and promoting the principles of citizenship) from Berkane, a city in the North-East of Morocco, recognizes that nowadays youth only want to amuse themselves. And even if some of them want to take action, their voices aren't heard. Sometimes, they can't reach their goals because they are not supported financially. That was her case when she wanted to create a youth newspaper with her classmates. In fact, in her city, youngsters prefer to affirm their personality through cultural activities such as theatre. A young parliamentarian from Smara, a city in the South of Morocco, finds that even if there are young people working together in associations, it is only because they are unemployed, and also because they are looking for a new way of entertainment. He adds that most of them are not attracted by the idea of using their abilities in favor of their environment's progress. He also thinks that one of the causes of this situation is the absence of resources.
"Youth need more freedom of expression and also a governmental back-up in order to let the ideas flourish” is his proposal for working out these problems in his town. Despite this situation, many youngsters are working in associations ; as a responsible worker in a Moroccan NGO says, "Some young people are trained in order to sensitize people about the danger of HIV/AIDS in poor areas." One of these parliamentarians has focused on the importance of multiplying youth forums and meetings, more media coverage on youth issues and exchanging experiences between Morocco and other countries. He adds, "Why not give a chance to more students to become parliamentarians, instead of allowing participation only to the excellent ones ?" The government's encouragement plays an outstanding role.
But Moroccans felt this more when the King Mohamed VI of Morocco has announced in a special speech given last Wednesday, May 18, at the launching of "The National Initiative of Human Development", which gives priority to social issues into governmental decisions. Education was, is, and will always be the base of development, based on the principles of active citizens that have to be promoted by family, schools and the media. If well-educated youngsters try to unify their ideas in order to determine positive changes in their society, they have to know that they are assuring in this way their welfare and a better future for themselves and the next generations. It's also a way of acquiring competent skills and dealing with the rules of working in a group. And the politician's role will always be essential. "Since youth embodies energy and vitality, try to benefit from it as much as possible according to your abilities. Move on, trust yourself. There is always a hope".
Fatima-zahra Ben fkira, Morocco
For more information : Youth for a Change

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