On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin received Morocco's newly appointed ambassador to Moscow. A video from this meeting showed Lotfi Bouchaara in a white Djellaba, presenting his credentials to the Russian president and taking a photo with him. The video went viral on social media, especially among Russian internet users who are unfamiliar with the Moroccan traditional dress code. Посол Марокко как будто вышел из новостей про коронавирус: В Кремле началась церемония вручения верительных грамот pic.twitter.com/3j1rpMuvcT — Дмитрий Смирнов (@dimsmirnov175) February 5, 2020 On Twitter, Bouchaara's video at the Kremlin received several sarcastic comments, alleging that the Djellaba he was wearing is a «coronavirus protective suit». Comments described the ambassador's outfit as «weird» and funny». During the ceremony, Putin welcomed development of relations between his country and the Kingdom of Morocco. «We have all the instruments to give a multidimensional impetus to these relations», said Putin during the ceremony.