Police in Barcelona arrested three men late Wednesday night for their alleged involvement in the sexual assault of a Moroccan woman. According to El Periodico, the main suspect was caught red-handed while the two others were close to the woman in question during the attack. The arrest took place after passersby called the police, telling them that they saw a woman being pushed by several men to a park. Once there, police arrested three men, while two others managed to flee. The woman was «immediately transferred to the hospital where she was treated in a specialized unit», the same source added. In the hospital, the victim said that she was only assaulted by one of the five men. The other four were homeless people who approached her to see what was happening after they heard her shouting. The victim also said that she had already been sexually assaulted by the same man a few days earlier. The alleged rapist confirmed the facts. He will be brought to court on Saturday for two sexual assaults.