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Jewish pilgrimage in Morocco # 7: Shlomo Aben Danan, Fez' most famous Dayans of all time
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 07 - 2019

Rabbi Shlomo Aben Danan is one of the most famous Dayans the city of Fez has ever had. The Jewish saint lays in the city's most renowned synagogue.
Aben Danan is a name that Moroccans link to the city of Fez. Morocco's most famous synagogues is named after him. The building was built in the 17th century and was restored in 1996 to be one of the city's architectural jewels. His story is another chapter of a famous family that led the Jewish community in Morocco.
«He is a member of a prestigious family, known for its Rabbis and Dayans, Shlomo Aben Danan was born in Fez on Shabbat 9 Sivane 5608 (1848)», recalled an article from Univers Torah.
«The records of the Ibn Danan (Aben Danan) family date to at least the fourteenth century, but some of the family's traditions are even older», Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World reports. «In either 1438 or 1465, Maimon ibn Danan fled from Fez during a pogrom and settled in Granada», the Encyclopedia indicated.
Noticing, from an early age, the exceptional abilities of his son, the father of Rabbi Shlomo, Rabbi Moshe entrusted his education to Fez' best mentors. But when he turned 30, the father of 10-year-old Shlomo died, in 1858, leaving behind his orphan son. The education of the young man was then entrusted to his grandfather, Rabbi Shemuel and his uncle, Rabbi Yitchak, a great scholar who shared everything he knew with Shlomo. The latter focused on Torah studies.
«Rabbi Shlomo's boyhood was very difficult (…) Despite this great tragedy and the pain that he experienced for having lost his much beloved father, the young boy did not turn away from the study of the Torah», the same source said.
Head of the rabbinical court of Fez at the age of 30
Rabbi Shlomo was only 17 years old when he started studying Kabbalah, an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought of Judaism. «Gifted with superior intelligence, at the age of eighteen, he began to give the young people of Fez lessons in the same spirit as those of the Yechivot (schools), thus guiding them in learning the Talmud and Halakha», Univers Torah recalls.
Married at the age of 18, Rabbi Shlomo distinguished himself at the age of 21, in 1869, the year he was admitted to the rabbinical court of Fez. «The older judges recognized his immense Torah knowledge and took his opinions into account for each of the decisions that they had to deliberate», the same source said.
Rabbi Shlomo Aben Danan then realized his childhood dream, visiting Palestine. In 1875, when he was only 27, he began the long journey with his uncle Rabbi Yitzchak Aben Danan. However, while he wanted to settle down there, the young Shlomo left Palestine to Morocco.
Upon his return to Fez, he was then appointed treasurer and head of the community, for three years, before becoming Chief Rabbi and President of the Rabbinical court of Fes, when he was only 30 years old. «The Moroccan government, which knew of the great respect that his people had for him, confirmed his nomination as Chief Rabbi and President of the Court, conferring upon him the full powers of an official judge», Hevrat Pinto wrote.
Rabbi Shlomo held this position for 50 years. He was known for registering every judgment and decision he made. In 1901, he published a compilation book entitled «Achèr Lishlomo» (or Asher LeSlomo) where he documented «all the halachic problems that were submitted to him, directly or indirectly, from the communities of North Africa, the cities of Salty, Rabat, and even Gibraltar».
His place of prayer, the synagogue Aben Danan, still preserved
In 1920, he was appointed at the Court of Justice of Rabat, to replace Rabbi Raphael Encaoua, the first Chief Rabbi of Morocco. A year later, he returned to Fez to get his job. Rabbi Shlomo died in Fez between 1927 and 1928, leaving behind a homeless community. He is buried in the Jewish Cemetery of Fez, according to Rabbi Map.
His usual place of worship was the famous Aben Danan Synagogue, founded in Fez in the 17th century, which was named after him. «He used to wake up every morning before dawn, and rush to open the gates of the synagogue».
In 1996 the World Monuments Fund (WMF), in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of Culture, the Jewish community of Fez and the Judeo-Moroccan Cultural Heritage Foundation restored the synagogue. In 1999, additional help from family members living abroad opened its doors to the public.

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