Uk-based market research company YouGov revealed in a new survey that Australians can be accepting of migrants but tend to have negative feelings towards Islam. Relayed by the Guardian, Friday, the YouGov's poll found that 51% of Australians had «unfavorable sentiments» towards Islam while 10% of them said that they think positively of the religion. 37% of respondents said that they are «very unfavorable» of Islam, 14% said that they were «fairly unfavorable», while 23% said they were neutral. When it comes to other religions, 45% of Australians said they were positive towards Christianity, 18% said they were favorable of Judaism, while 58% of them said that they were «neither favorable nor unfavorable». Australians aged 45 and over topped the list of those who had negative sentiments towards Islam (60%), while the ones aged between 25 and 34 had negative sentiments 30 points lower (31%), the same source said.