On Wednesday, UN Personal Envoy Horst Köhler briefed the Security Council, behind closed doors, about the situation in Western Sahara. The meeting was an opportunity for Köhler to address the talks that were held in Geneva in December 2018 and March 2019 and which brought representatives from Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the Polisario together. The Security Council members «supported the efforts of Köhler». «Full support of UN Security Council for his efforts to advance the political process in Western Sahara», the German mission to the UN wrote on its Twitter account, adding that : «Solution to the conflict must be mutually acceptable, realistic, practical and enduring & allow for self-determination by its people». For the record, the Security Council will be holding two more sessions on Western Sahara, in April, before the adoption of a new resolution on MINURSO on the 29th. The MINURSO's mandate will end on the 30th of April, after it was renewed in October, 2018, to six months only.