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Saharawi merchants sit-in in Mijek, to protest against the Polisario and Algeria
Publié dans Yabiladi le 19 - 10 - 2018

Three Sahrawis have been sitting-in in front of the MINURSO's headquarters in Mijek since Wednesday to protest against the Polisario and Algeria. Their action is embarrassing to the Front, according to Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud.
Three Sahrawi merchants from the Tindouf camps have been sitting-in since Wednesday, October 17th, in front of the MINURSO's headquarters in Mijek, a town located east of the berm and 80 km north of the Mauritanian town of Zouérat, to denounce the injustices of the Polisario Front and Algeria.
The Sahrawi protesters published a video on social media, saying that they are «speaking on behalf of the camps' inhabitants, who find it difficult to secure a living because of the restrictions put by the Front and Algeria on merchants».
One of them has even urged «the United Nations to pressure the Polisario into lifting the heavy restrictions it is imposing on them», adding that Algeria is supporting the Front in this matter.
The Sahrawi merchant stressed that «the set-in is just the first step they are taking before considering other plans». He seized the opportunity to call for the «intervention of the United Nations».
Speaking to Yabiladi on Thursday, former Polisario leader Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud considered the set-in a «brave» move that is carried out by a group of merchants against the measures taken by Algeria and Mauritania.
A sit-in that does not serve the interests of the Front
Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud recalled that Mijek is home to «the headquarters of the Polisario's third military zone and the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)» which is monitoring the 1991 cease-fire.
«I know the spokesperson of the group that is currently sitting-in in Mijek and I know he will not give up easily before reaching a solution», added Sidi Mouloud.
For the former leader of the Polisario Front, «this person is familiar with this kind of protests and he is even one of the most politically active people in the Tindouf camps». He added that the spokesperson of the group «was arrested for a month for leading a similar sit-in in front of the Polisario's headquarters».
«The sit-in organized in Mijek will certainly impact the Polisario Front, especially as it is organized in front of the UN mission's building. It is also the first time that Sahrawis complain about Algeria and the Polisario in front of the MINURSO headquarters».
Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud
The protests according to Sidi Mouloud is an embarrassment to the Front. «Of course, this sit-in does not serve the Polisario's interests», he concluded.
For the record, the UN Security Council is expected to hold a meeting on 29 October to renew the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara.

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