An anti-Islam Swiss free-lance journalist, named Giorgio Ghiringhelli and known as «Il ghiro», has launched the «Swiss Stop Islam Award», to honor personalities fighting against «Islamic colonization» in Switzerland, reports French-language Swiss online newspaper Le Matin. The Islamophobic award is part of a campaign initiated by a Swiss platform known as «Swiss Stop Islam Award» and as its title suggests, will award every year three people in the three main regions of the European country : French-speaking Switzerland, German-speaking Switzerland and Italian-speaking Switzerland. The prize accounts for 2000 francs for every candidate, nominated by the «Swiss Stop Islam Award». The money will be generated from crowdfunding. According to the same source, Giorgio Ghringhelli who's behind the creation of the award, launched in 2013 a similar anti-Islam initiative. In fact, the Swiss journalist started the anti-burqa campaign, in Caton Ticino, an Italian-speaking region in the country. The website in question, has already revealed the list of the award's nominees in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, which featured Mireille Vallette, a Swiss journalist who launched an association that fights against Islam in the country, and Alain Jean-Mairet another anti-Islam journalist. In the UK, a similar campaign has seen light months ago, awarding people who would punish Muslims in the country, called «Punish a Muslim Day». Citizens in the European country received anonymous letters, encouraging them to sack Muslims from the UK and make them suffer.