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World Cup : Morocco highlights its «low gun circulation», referring to the US gun policy
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 03 - 2018

Morocco has highlighted its limited threat from gun crime in the bidding proposal it submitted to host the 2026 World Cup, referring to the US' gun policy.
In the bidding documents published by the FIFA on Monday, 26th of March, Morocco referred to its limited gun circulation, in an attempt to beat the North American bid to host the 2026 World Cup. According to Associated Press, Morocco highlighted the fact that it is a safer choice when it comes to gun crimes.
Submitting its candidacy on the 15th of March, the Kingdom made sure to point at the US' loose gun policy all while showcasing its «very low gun circulation», said the American news agency. The latter indicates that the North American bid documents do not mention «crime rates or gun issues» but, on the other hand, stress the «long histories of staging safe, peaceful celebrations of international sport», that Mexico, Canada and the US have shared in the past.
Meanwhile, Morocco insisted in its bidding documents that it has an «exceptionally low murder rate of 3 in 100,000» compared to 18.7 in Mexico, 5.3 in the US and 1.68 in Canada.
Rallies for a tighter gun laws in the US
Morocco referred to this piece of information, taking advantage of the current events taking place in the USA and pointing at the massive shooting that took place in a high school in Florida on the 14th of February. Killing 17 people, the deadly attack is still making headlines in the United States and might affect the joint bid submitted by the three North American nations.
On Saturday, 24th of March, hundreds of thousands of young American took the streets, answering a call to action issued by the survivors of Florida's shooting, said Reuters on Tuesday. These demonstrators rallied in Washington chanting «never again» and demanding a tighter gun laws.
The rally was one of the US' biggest youth demonstrations where participants stood listening to the shooting survivors' speeches. Protesters have also urged lawmakers and President Donald Trump to find a solution for the issue the country is struggling with.
According to the British news agency, «March for our Lives» as called by the survivors, «aimed to break legislative gridlock that has long stymied efforts to increase restrictions on firearms sales in a nation where mass shootings like the one in Parkland have become frighteningly common».
For the record, the FIFA will «immediately» begin evaluating the bidding documents submitted to the organization by Morocco and North Africa. This was confirmed by FIFA president Giani Infatino who announced that FIFA delegation will start visiting Moroccan sites and those included in the US-led joint bid.
FIFA will have to decide on the 2026 World Cup host in June at a conference.

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