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Jerada : Trade unions are not to speak on the Hirak behalf
Publié dans Yabiladi le 20 - 02 - 2018

Unlike what has been announced this week, trade unions coordination in Jerada, joined by the Unified Socialist Party's regional office have not accepted the government's proposals. On the contrary, they have taken note of the evolution of negotiations with the civil society in the city.
All eyes are on Jerada's Hirak movement since last Friday. And while, the rest of the country is waiting for the city's decision, accepting the government's suggestions or carrying on with their protests, a communiqué was issued on Saturday adopting an unclear position that does not take sides.
The press release was signed by four trade unions namely, the Democratic Confederation of Labour (CDT), the Federation for National Education (FNE), the Moroccan Workers' Union (UMT), the Democratic Federation of Labour (FDT) and Unified Socialist Party's regional bureau in Jerada. They have welcomed the progress of negotiations with the local authorities and the government.
Contrary to what several media platforms wrote, trade unions are not for all the proposals suggested by the government. They revealed in their communiqué the general situation, commenting on the pace of the pourparlers conducted by the Hirak representatives and the authorities without taking sides. They have recalled that some of the Hirak demands have not received an answer yet.
Contacted by Yabiladi, the signatories also warned against the obstacles that might affect the Hirak demands and take advantage of it, referring to coal barons in Jerada.
A statement that doesn't take sides
Mohamed Elouali, a trade unionist from FNE, told Yabiladi that «the communiqué is not there to state whether the signatories are for or against the government's proposals». He recalled that finding a solution for electricity bills and creating economic alternatives are demands that remained unanswered :
«We take note of the situation, but I believe that other demands should be answered. We have given a neutral point of view, but that does not mean that we consider the responses presented by the region to be sufficient».
This opinion was confirmed and shared by Abdeilah Laalaj, a member of the CDT and PSU regional Bureau. The activist explained to Yabiladi the points discussed in the statement saying :
«The communiqué is not announcing the end of the Hirak. Meanwhile, it does not confirm the continuity of the movement. Some media platforms claimed that trade unionists have openly accepted the government's proposals, which is political to my point of view. We did not say that at any moment. The statement is there to approve the Hirak's peaceful approach, and its ability to carry on negotiations with the authorities, civil society, trade unions, and political parties and to draw attention on the progress witnessed in the city».
Moreover, Laalaj couldn't hide his worries regarding what might happen in the few days. In fact, he believes that Hirak members might give in and accept the government's proposals without meeting the expectations of the population : «Some think that the Hirak will end without giving a fair solution to the demands of the people and they want the situation to get worse».
For the activist, division is not something that is likely to tear members of the Hirak and trade unionists apart : «70% of the local population approves the approach of trade unions, despite the strict security approach adopted here in the city …As for the Hirak members, we meet them on a daily basis. I do not speak on their behalf, but I am not sure they will be against the terms of the statement released on Saturday. Although they criticized the context during which it was published, but I think we do agree on other things».
Avoiding stagnation
Indeed, the statement was issued 24 hours after another press release was published by political parties (PJD, PAM, MP, Istizlal, USFP, UC, PPS, FFD, UGTM, UNTM). Member of UMT Jerada, Mustapha Selouani explained to Yabiladi that Saturday's communiqué clarifies the position of its signatories.
Moreover, the activist believes that ambiguity surrounded the results of the talks held between the local authorities, trade unions and neighborhood committees:
«When the above-mentioned political parties released their communiqué, rumors began to burst on whether trade unions were also concerned and involved in trying to abortion the Hirak (FNE, CDT, UMT). We had to clarify things and inform the public about our position, which is not that of these parties. We support the young people of Hirak by accompanying them in their goals, while protecting the social and economic demands of the population».

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