The Italian police have managed to indentify two teenagers who were behind the death of a homeless Moroccan man near the northern city of Verona, reports Associated Press on Friday. A 13-year-old and a 17-year-old boy have set 64-year-old Ahmed Fdil on fire on December the 13th, said the same source quoting L'Arena di Verona, an Italian daily newspaper. «It was a joke», said the younger boy to teh police insisting that they did not intend to kill the man. Speaking to RAI, an Italian state television, Gino Capo, an eyewitness, said that he was unable to help the man who was burning alive in teh car. «to see him die like that was atrocious . To see him burning, he was alive…», said Capo. For the record, the two alleged murderers were seen throwing firecrackers at Fdil days before the incident.