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Grenfell tower : Six months after the incident, only 50 households have been rehoused
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 12 - 2017

Only fifty of the Grenfell surviving households have been rehoused by the British government. After the tragic fire that killed more than 80 people, including Moroccans, some of the victims are still living in temporary accommodation. Details.
Almost six months after the tragic incident that took place in West London and killed more than 80 people, the Grenfell victims have not all been relocated. The blaze that took the life of 7 Moroccan nationals is still one of the problems that the UK capital is trying to deal with.
In fact, only fifty of the surviving families have been rehoused. In her reportage broadcasted on France Culture, a French public radio channel, Marina Daras, a freelance journalist based in London, reports that 150 Grenfell family live in temporary accommodations and hotels «without knowing when they can have their normal lives back».
Indeed, speaking to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) council, the same source points out that the British government is expected to rehouse first the people that were the most affected by the incident. Housed in temporary places, these victims are worried, distrusting the government and the authorities.
Some of them, according to a member of «Justice for Grenfell», told Daras that the housing problem «has added to their trauma» indicating that many of them have attempted to commit suicide while others were unable to go to work.
Residing in temporary accommodation since June
The situation has not changed much since the first months following the tragic incident. According to an article published in September by the Independent, «more than 80 per cent of the Grenfell Tower survivors have not been rehoused three months on from June's devastating blaze».
For the British online newspaper, three households at the time moved to permanent accommodation while 29 other households are still living in temporary housing. Relying on official numbers provided by the Kensington and Chelsea Council (RBKC) «a staggering 165 households have not been rehoused».
Commenting on these statistics, Emma Dent Coad, MP for Kensington told teh same source that «these people have lost everything. Family members, everything. They have literally nothing. You have to give people a proper start after they've lost so much.»
For the record, officials have announced before that they are trying to rehouse 203 households affected by the Grenfell fire. According to the Guardian, that is more than the 105 families that lost their homes in the incident. The newspaper explained that many of these households wanted to split and be rehoused separately.

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