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UN member states back a resolution denouncing Trump's wish to relocate the American embassy
Publié dans Yabiladi le 21 - 12 - 2017

More that 120 countries have backed on Thursday, 21st of December, a UN resolution denouncing the recent declaration of President Donald Trump, reports Reuters. At the United Nations General Assembly in New York, member states voted for a resolution urging the U.S. to «drop its recognition» of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel.
According to the British agency «a total of 128 countries backed the resolution, which is non-binding, nine voted against and 35 abstained. Twenty-one countries did not cast a vote».
On Wednesday, Donald Trump threatened to hold back U.S. aid from countries that will vote against the U.S.' decision saying «let them vote against us».
«We'll save a lot. We don't care. But this isn't like it used to be where they could vote against you and then you pay them hundreds of millions of dollars».
On the same day, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has warned around 193 member states writing that she is definitely «taking names» of the countries that would vote for the resolution at the General Assembly,
Morocco is certainly one of the countries targeted by this warning because of the status it holds regarding the Palestinian cause. King Mohammed VI is the chairman of the Al-Quds Committee and the kingdom is a host for Bayt Mal Al-Quds, an agency that seeks to establish and preserve the Islamic and Arab rights in the sacred city of Al Quds and to help its people remain steadfast on their lands.
For the record, during a speech he delivered on the 7th of December, Donald Trump has announced that he intends to relocate the American embassy in Israel moving it to Jerusalem. By that he recognized the city as a capital for the Israeli entity. The decision sparked tension in several parts of the world including Morocco.

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