The 4th edition of the Atlantic Currents annual report was published today. It was presented during the opening ceremony of the 6th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues conference, organized in Marrakesh by the think-tank OCP Policy Center which also publishes the report. In 176 pages, this document focuses on the contemporary issues that block development in Africa. It is «to promote a new geopolitical construction of this region,» said a statement issued by the think tank. This report is written by four OCP Policy Center associate researchers: Abdelhak Bassou, Rachid El Houdaigui, Mohammed Loulichki and El Mostafa Rezrari, as well as economists Tayeb Ghazi and Yassine Msadfa. In six chapters, it questions the partnership between Africa and Latin America, African migration, the challenges put by the new generation of terrorists and the joint response capacities to this problem as well as the indicators of the process of integration in the Atlantic area. In addition to that, the fourth Atlantic Currents report compares the integration indicators for the Atlantic regions. It shows, among other things, that Africa represents only 2% of the overall GDP of this region, against 10% for Latin America, 44% for Europe and 44% for the United States.