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5th AU-EU : Morocco is «not annoyed» by the Polisario's presence, according to Bourita
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 11 - 2017

The Moroccan Foreign Minister said that Morocco «is not annoyed» by the Polisario delegation's presence at the 5th AU-EU summit. Nasser Bourita stated, in an interview conducted by EFE, that the international meeting in Abidjan will end without the participants signing documents. A way of depriving the Front from pretending that it achieved success on the international diplomatic scene.
«Morocco has adopted an offensive foreign policy. It will never leave its chair empty», Nasser Bourita said in an interview conducted by the Spanish news agency, EFE at the Ivorian economic capital. «We must not allow our opponents to present their arguments (…) Morocco will explain its reasons and convince (members of the African Union) of its position» said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Far from being annoyed by the presence of a Polisario delegation at the 5th AU-EU summit, the Moroccan Foreign Minister recognized that for Brahim Ghali's allies, Africa «is a place where they feel good. They can say what they want without being opposed».
The Minister recalled that the kingdom has joined the pan-African organization so that the Polisario stops pretending that the Sahara «is a state while it's not» or claiming that «it is an Arabic state while it' is not true».
A verbal agreement
In a harsh tone, Bourita announced that since Morocco was admitted to the continental union «the fight has made its way to the AU» and this despite «the campaign led by Algeria to exclude Morocco» from the organization. The AU is the only platform left for them (Polisario), they have no other way. Now, Morocco is not the one feeling uncomfortable and it will continue with its offensive policy. It kept insisting that «the current trend is for the non-recognition» of the «SADR».
Speaking directly to the EFE journalist, the minister asked : «have you heard recently of a country that recognized the Sahara ? I can tell you that those that chose to retrieve their recognition such as Malawi starting from tomorrow will be followed by others (...) and this will continue» in the future.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs has, moreover, toned donw what the Polisario sees as a victory : participating in the Abidjan summit. He said that «there will be no signature of documents». And to put it in other words, «only a verbal agreement will be put forward» during the summit.

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