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Diaspo #14 : Nariman Reinke, a soldier like no other
Publié dans Yabiladi le 11 - 11 - 2017

Nariman Reinke is a woman that we should all look up to. She is a brave Moroccan-German national who has successfully challenged her entourage by joining the army. The 38-year-old soldier is determined to fight against discrimination by helping Muslims to integrate in the European country. Portrait.
On the phone, Nariman sounded happy, excited and keen to share her story with other women. The 38-year-old German lady of Moroccan descent is a wife, a soldier and an activist. Daughter of a Oujda-native, Nariman was born in a small town next to Hannover, the capital city of the German state of Lower Saxony. Her journey is quite interesting as she took a different path distinguishing her from others.
It all started for Nariman when her brother decided to join the army. «My father loved the army and he wanted my elder brother to be a soldier», she said. «My brother indeed joined the army but after two years he gave up. The good thing about that is that he told me that everyone can join the army in Germany men and women. They can all be soldiers», recalled Nariman.
At that time, the young woman was working at an HR agency and had no idea what was awaiting her. «What happened is that the owners of the agency started having problems and decided to dismiss some employees», she told Yabiladi.
«At that moment when I lost my job, I said to myself that I had to try something new that would make me challenge myself. So I did it, I applied for the army and sat for the exam. By the way here in Germany to be admitted in the army, you have to sit for a physical fitness test. Surprisingly, I passed it».
Challenging herself, her community, and breaking up with the stereotypes associated to what women should supposedly do, Nariman made and took a step toward her biggest dream. «The first year was very hard but I managed it, I was only 25 years old», she said, adding that : «The good thing about the German army is that we are all wearing the same uniform, there is no discrimination. They don't ask you about your religion, your origins or background, we were all treated the same way».
A female soldier
However, as a woman it was slightly difficult at the beginning for the young lady. She had to prove that she was physically strong competing with other men who were with her at the army. As a Muslim, Nariman was challenged : «at first, it was hard to adapt because of the food, I am a Muslim and there are some things that I can't eat, so that was a bit tricky for me».
Despite everything, Nariman managed it and showed everyone including her family that she is tough enough to bear the title of a soldier. Just like her male brothers in arms, she was sent to Afghanistan trice and has been to Kabul too. «When I went on my first mission to Afghanistan I was so scared and terrified but then again I knew how to overcome that», she proudly told Yabiladi.
«On my third day there, we were attacked and to be honest with you it looked nothing like what we had seen during the training in Germany. First, you don't know how it feels, how it smells but you have to react. You can either panic or react but hopefully I reacted on the spot. It was like someone helped me and thank God I knew how to deal with it».
Fighting against discrimination
Another thing that Nariman achieved was making her parents proud of her. After joining the army the young soldier made her father's dream come true. «I remember very well when I was promoted for the first time, they gave me a diploma, I handed it over to my father and he brought it with him on a Friday to the mosque. After praying he sat with his friends and neighbors and proudly showed them the diploma saying that his daughter was a soldier».
«I remember that before joining the army, my father told me that after three weeks there I would give up and abandon the whole idea. I took his words as a challenge, and it kept me going».
Now, Nariman is a soldier who is determined to change the situation of Muslims in Germany. She is a member of a non-profit organization that fights against discrimination. «I am a member of a commission here in the State parliament and I try to show them that Germany in 2017, is not only blue eyes and blond hair. Islam is part of this country», she argued.
Her dream is to be considered as a German citizen, a human being who shouldn't be judged based on religion or background. «I don't want to be asked about my religion and origins, I want to be looked at as a human being, we are all the same», said Nariman with an optimistic voice. «I want to say to women that they can achieve their dreams», she concluded.

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