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Yahya El Fassi's death : signs of a failed system
Publié dans Yabiladi le 02 - 05 - 2017

Yahya El Fassi, a young man who died after being hit by a reckless driver. The woman responsible for his death is still driving around the city without getting her driving license taken away. Yahya's family denounces the impunity that some Moroccans benefit from, insisting that the punishment should fit the crime.
Reckless driving has become nowadays in Morocco a new trend for rich kids. After Hamza Derham who crashed his fancy Ferrari in the streets of Rabat while holding a bottle of Champaign, another reckless driver in Casablanca took the life of Yahya El Fassi. The 26 year-old man was hit by a woman who irresponsibly disobeyed a traffic sign.
It was 10.30 pm on a Tuesday night when Yahya and his friend were hit by a car. Yahya, seated behind the driver on a motorcycle, died immediately after being overthrown about 15 meters (about 50 ft) away from the spot while his friend had two broken legs. «He was on his way back from work in Sidi Maarouf. The accident took place on the Al Qods Boulevard near Ain Chok»; explained Yahya's sister, Sabrine El Fassi (24) who works at a law firm.
«He was the man of the family after my father passed away. He was the one working and the breadwinner of the family, as my little sister and my mother do not work. He was too young to die. He had a lot of dreams that evaporated after his death», sighed Sabrina.
A doubtful testimony
Neglecting a traffic sign can lead to manslaughter and that is what happened with Yahya. The irresponsibility and recklessness of the driver resulted in the crushing of the scooter that Yahya and his friend were riding that night. The autopsy revealed that the victim died on the spot suffering from severe injuries in the head and broken bones.
«We have learned about the accident around 11 pm. My brother and his friend were on a main road while the car was coming out from a smaller residential road. The report clearly states that the accident happened due to the driver disobeying a traffic sign. Moreover, when the police arrived, they noted that the she was more than five meters (around 16 ft) away from the white line» Sabrine added.
Due to a lack of testimony, the accused was held under custody on the same night for 48 hours. The day after, a man that lives right next to the driver said that he witnessed the scene from his balcony. Sabrine claims however, that it is a false testimony delivered in the favor of the driver : «this man stated that it was 10 pm when he watched the accident from his third floor balcony. This can't be possible since my brother was still at work at that time, he only checked out at around 10.10 pm and the accident took place at 10.30 pm.»
The punishement should fit the crime
After spending 48 hours in custody, the young girl was released on a bail of MAD 10,000 according to Sabrine. The most unexpected thing is that the driver, she says, is still using her driving license. A bitter situation that left Yahya's family surprised by the impunity that some people enjoy in this country. Shaken by the events, Sabrina is indignant at what happened «why is she still in possession of her driving license ? She killed a person, it is no light matter. Lives are worth nothing in the eyes of the law and of this country of right ?»
The first hearing trial took place on Thursday the 27th of April and more than 12 lawyers were there to represent the family of the victim. «I work in a law firm, so I know a lot of people. They wouldn't accept the fact that this woman would easily get out of it so they have formed a civil party», said Sabrine. Contacted by Yabiladi, one of the lawyers in charge of the case did not return our calls.
«What we demand is an application of the traffic laws. The Moroccan legislation is clear : the article states that if the driver did not obey the traffic signs and it caused the death of a pedestrian, he or she would be given a 6-month sentence that could go up to 5 years. Her driving license must be confiscated immediately. We want to do justice to my brother and prove that rich people are supposed to abide by the laws».
«It hurts to see that they haven't even apologized when we met at the hearing, they showed up to the court happy wearing makeup and high heels. We are talking here about death, I lost my brother.» Sabrina declared angrily. «They thought that because we live in a poor neighborhood that we would be bribed and shut by money.»
The next hearing is scheduled for the 1st of June. Will that day become a symbolic one for all the victims who pay the price in favor of «Welad lfchouch» and powerful people in this country?

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