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Those were the days that I will never forget
Publié dans Yabiladi le 06 - 07 - 2004

A story about a (long) gone past and vivid memories
Today I felt a strange nostalgia from the past. It was that song that I played when I woke-up. Like a heavy rock sinking in the ocean of my memories I looked up and oh, how sweet it felt to go back, back to those days that I will never forget.
As I drifted slowly, I was invaded by warm felling. I could hear familiar music, I could see friendly faces, and then a weird sensation took over my face; it was a smile, a smile that I have not felt since those days that I will never forget. Remember?
Remember when you were 16? The friends you used to have, the music you listened to, the cloths you wore and how you brushed your hair.
Remember the nights of Ramadan Eid Parties, the Sunday pick-nick with the family, and then summer, remember? When was your first innocent crush? Was it your neighbor, a school mate, did they live overseas? Remember the first look? Was I bet you have a song that reminds you of those days…? Can you hear it now? How many times and how long you stood in the street waiting for that person to come? What stories did you make up about why you got home so late that day? Remember the movies that you watched and the hero that you thought were you? We were sad, we were happy. Those were the days and I will never forget.
The days of sitting on the porch of the house with few bodies and making plans for the future... Where are you going after high school? The mere thought of dreaming made us feel like we were there… Some talked about France, others Belgium, and Canada…
Few dreamed about the USA. No one had an idea where they will end-up remember?
Remember what you wanted to be when you grew-up? A Pilot, a doctor, a teacher, a general or a business man. No one had an idea where they will end-up but it felt good to dream. Those were the days and I will never forget.
Too young to have a driver license, but your dad's car was missing that day. Turns-up that you and 7 friends took it for a 60 mile test drive across town. The windows down, the music pumping, and every one singing with the tapes. Remember the bad English lyrics you used to say… It was all good and no one knew. Those were the days and I will never forget.
Weddings, who can forget? You just had to go with so much anticipation and preparations. After all, that where you saw that person you tough you were going to marry one day. The dress you wore, the way you walked and danced. The way you looked at people and spoke. You sure acted older and mature that night. And then that magic moment when you walked by your mother while she was sitting with your future in-law who said mine you have grown and how good looking you are. Those were the days and I will never forget.
And how can we forget about the first time we skipped school. Now that was an adventure. Did you go to the beach? Or a party? Was it the movies or just a hangout in a building lobby? Or were you in the car with the 8 of us that day when it was missing from the parking lot. Those were the days and I will never forget.
Remember your first letter? First phone call with that special some one? First fasting of the 27 th of Ramadan? First field trip with school? Remember Loosing that special someone, your graduation. The world cup? Remember when you felt that every one did not understand and the only one that cared was your best friend… Those were the days and I will never forget.
I will never forget, my fathers blessing before I went to my high school test, my mother prayer when I left the house to go to school every morning, my grandmother's hug when I was sick, my sisters tears on her wedding night.
I will never forget my mean high school math teacher, the funny guy who made his life hell during class, the smell of the classroom, the breaks we got between classes and the subjects we used to discuss and argue about.
I will never forget the walks we took before and after school, the warm bread and pastries we ate while we rushed home before 6, the short stop at the little shops and how much I wanted those new fashion Levis jeans.
I will not forget the summer, the sun, the surf; we were the stars and the producers.
Skipping school and heading to the beach or those 2 to 6 PM afternoon parties, the songs and the way we dance to the music. What a feeling, those were the days and I will never forget.
Today I felt a strange nostalgia from the past. It was that song that I played when I woke-up.
Like a bubble in the bottom of the ocean of my memories I rose up while looking down. How sad it felt to leave those days that I will never forget.

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