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Following violent clashes in the Rif, PJD members evoke a withdrawal from the government
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 06 - 2017

A few hours after the violent clashes that emerged between protesters and the police forces in Al Hoceima, the violent confrontations have impacted the internal situation of the Justice and Development party. Some of the party's members called for a withdrawal from the government.
Following the violent clashes that emerged on Monday night in Al Hoceima engaging both the Hirak protesters and police officers, the Justice and Develoment party (PJD) is between the devil and the blue sea as it is implicitly accused of delaying several development projects destined to the region. An anvil that was imposed by its elected officials.
Starting from yesterday a number of the PJD members evoked the possibility of slamming the government door following the violent clashes that occurred on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr in Al Hoceima and neighboring villages. Media outlets suggest that the current situation is a losing one and compare it to the governmental blockage that lasted for more than 5 months.
Abdessamad Idriss about leaving the government
Abdessamad Idriss, a member of the General Secretariat of the Islamist party, was among the first politicians to question «the utility of the PJD's presence in the government». In a Facebook post published on his official page, the head of the PJD Lawyers' Association first recalled the «systematic human rights violations». «For five years, it was said that Morocco witnessed human rights violations but thank god they were not systematic».
«What about the Rif, where human rights violations appear to be systematic ? It must be admitted that it was unrealistic to think that dictators would believe in democracy one day», he wrote, slamming the current cabinet led by his party. For him, «the utility of taking part to the government» remains an «unanswered» question.
«I do not expect much from a government – which has been formed under unique circumstances- and which is composed of a number of politicians and activists. Their silence, although it says much about their disagreement, is sometimes insufficient. We need a strong and clear discourse.»
During the blockade period, when the party failed to form a coalition, «certain voices spoke about democracy in Morocco calling it fragile», recalls Abdessamad Idriss. «A question emerged then : what is the role that the PJD is playing regarding the State, the people and policies that contradict the government ?», he wondered. «After the emergence of several news, it would have been necessary to consider what people think before taking such a decision following the votes», he concluded.
Hassan Hamoro and the need for an «urgent and courageous position»
For his part, Hassan Hamoro believes that the PJD ministers in El Othmani's cabinet «need to be reminded and alerted about the lacking, misread and unsuccessful calculations made to justify the formation of the government». A government that was «rejected and disapproved by the people».
«They (PJD Ministers) are not asked to withdraw but to reaffirm their belonging to the party by putting themselves in the shoes of the people without breaking their obligations regarding the DlState's institutions. What is hoped for is a courageous awakening before it is too late and a courageous position».
The member of the PJD National Council also stressed that «the citizens' trust and their choices are valuable» and that «promising reform should not disappear once ministers are appointed». «Reform is a daily slogan, a continuous and renewed process that starts by telling the truth when it is needed», he concluded.
Imane El Yakoubi to those «who are behind the crisis»
For the PJD MP Imane El Yakoubi, her party's militants will not be affected neither by a withdrawal from the government, not the dissolution of the parliament or the launching of new elections. «The question is, where did they arrive, those who undertook controlling certain parties ? Will they blame the government for the failed authoritative approach ? We are open to all proposals, but those behind the crisis do not want to consider these options anymore because they will not get them out of trouble», she said.
«A real militant is not afraid of assuming his or her responsibilities nor afraid of losing his position. The security approach have never been a solution to the lack of institutions.»
For the MP, «the projects set to be carried out will have no positive impact if they do not work on reinforcing the feeling of ownership». «What's the use of restoring roads on which demonstrators' blood has flowed ? What are the advantages of building projects if they are constructed on the ruins of injustice and marginalization ?» she asked. Imane El Yakoubi concludes : «The country is in a crisis now that affects more those who put it in trouble».
Maelainine and «the right decisions at the right time»
Her comrade Amina Maelainine confirms that the political formation of Benkirane is witnessing one of «the worst moments it ever lived since its creation». For her, the current situation «demonstrates that this is a real political party with real militants and a real political project». Calling it a «revolt» people urging the PJD to withdraw from the government, Maelainine believes that an «enlightened» leadership is «the one that perceives the signs, consults the general opinion before making the appropriate decisions at the appropriate time».
For the member of Parliament, «stuffing one's head in the sand and pretending that all is good harms the reputation of the party only and makes it lose its militants.»
These sharp opinions will be on the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the General Secretariat of the PJD, which will take place on Thursday under the presidency of Abdelilah Benkirane. The situation in Al Hoceima and the preparations for the next Congress of the Islamist party will be discussed at the meeting.

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