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Living together : Pact of humanity
Publié dans Yabiladi le 09 - 05 - 2017

Immigrants all over the world contribute in creating a multicultural atmosphere in the host countries. This situation can lead to different difficulties but can become due to acceptance and flexibility a melting pot where everybody is living together. Moulay Hicham Mouatadid, a political scientist and a researcher in public and international political studies explains how living together can be maintained.
Pluralism and interculturalism developed in societies, especially in the West, constitute both a wealth and challenges to be met and managed on a daily basis. Living together is a widespread value in societies known as the land of immigration, but the adoption of political and socio-economic orientations favoring such a societal philosophy is not always in tune with the cognitive and emotional evolution of Populations.
Given the cultural richness of the host country, immigrants with diversity, constitute a considerable wealth for their new landing and adoption territories. The management of interculturality requires a certain degree of flexibility in order to ensure a living together away from cognitive tensions and value judgments. This identity interaction, produced between the values of the new environment and all the psychological construction formed during the period preceding the arrival of the individual, demands a certain flexibility, but above all a constant willingness to adapt.
To live together, this perception, both socio-political and philosophical, should constitute one of the elements, if not the essential, of any society of right and public freedoms. These values that we can cultivate, especially through the media and school programs, will be the only insurance capital for our societies, in order to guarantee a life together in peace, security, but above all in a sharing of cultures respecting the values of host societies. Also, politicians and decision-makers will need to continually adopt more inclusive approaches and foster apparent diversity at all levels.
The legal arsenal in a facilitating spider that should evolve continuously in order to take into account the demographic composition of the country. Delays in a set of host societies related to the adaptability of their texts of legal and even administrative rules and regulations often lie in a certain blocking of integration supposed to be more flexible and malleable for newcomers.
In other words, living together is a sine qua non dimension to retain at the scale of the missions, visions and values of all the state bodies, in order to act in harmony with the evolution of the spirit citizen now moving in space at a much faster rate than ever before. This societal progression and the changing demographic transformation, empower both the political managers to act accordingly, in order to live up to their society, but above all, the host society in its human dimension to be sensitive and aware of the new reality, about new identities.
Beyond its philosophical and socio-political dimension, living together is an exercise to practice constantly and to cultivate in the minds of citizens. It is a vital awareness, both individual and collective, in order to maintain a certain social peace, with the aim of preserving the social part, the legacy of a considerable effort, a reflection conscientiously adopted and accepted since serval epochs.

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