The fourth suspect in the MP Merdas case was deported on Thursday by Turkish authorities and retrieved by Moroccan police. The accused is the nephew of the first suspect accused of shooting and killing the former Moroccan member of the parliament Abdellatif Merdas as he was getting ready to leave his car outside his house in Casablanca on the 7th of March. The national security services released a communiqué today explaining that the suspect had a criminal record and that he was deported to Morocco on an airline flight. The young man got arrested by Turkish authorities based on an international arrest warrant issued by the Moroccan judicial authorities. The same source indicated that the suspect has been sent to the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations to carry on the research on the case. The national security services' statement declares that 3 people were arrested on the 23rd of March for their connection to the murder of Merdas, a member of the Constitutional Union party.