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Morocco's wetlands rebound as rainfall eases years of drought
Publié dans Yabiladi le 19 - 03 - 2025

Despite remaining below the average for rainy years, recent rainfall has brought noticeable improvements to wetlands, making a significant difference after seven years of unprecedented drought. In this fragile ecosystem, now in the process of recovery, some species are returning to their natural habitats. Additionally, water has returned to several estuaries where drying out had previously threatened important sites.
Despite a winter marked by delayed and scarce rainfall, Morocco has recently experienced much-needed rains that have brought widespread benefits. Beyond revitalizing agriculture and replenishing reservoirs, these rains have restored greenery to natural landscapes after seven years of severe drought. They have also rejuvenated wetland ecosystems, particularly at river mouths, where water flow to the sea had previously stopped due to water stress, excessive pumping, and over-exploitation.
The Moulouya River Reconnects with the Sea
One of the most striking examples is the Moulouya River, a site of biological and ecological significance in the Oriental region. Last December, agronomist Mohamed Benatta warned Yabiladi that the river's freshwater was no longer reaching the sea, putting its fragile ecosystem at risk. However, since March 7, local ecological experts have observed its long-awaited return to the Mediterranean.
Dr. Mohamed Benatta, a geographer and president of the Oriental Solidarity and Cooperation Space (ESCO), as well as coordinator of the Northern Morocco Ecolo platform (ECOLOMAN), provided an update:
«The recent rains have reopened the river mouth, improving the flow. The Moulouya estuary is no longer blocked; the river now reaches the sea, widening its channel. The strong flow allows freshwater to mix with the sea, restoring the natural balance».
The mouth of the Moulouya on March 7, 2025The mouth of the Moulouya on March 7, 2025
«In the days following the reopening, the waters off Saïdia turned reddish-brown due to mud and debris from upstream floods. But as the sediment settled, the familiar azure blue of Morocco's eastern coast returned, confirming that waterways are once again flowing freely», Benetta added.
Other Rivers Show Signs of Recovery
Similar improvements have been observed in Azemmour, where freshwater flows are returning. «Researchers and local stakeholders have informed us that the Oum Rabii River, on the Atlantic side, has temporarily regained its flow to the sea», an association representative told Yabiladi. For years, this river had suffered from water scarcity and human activities, leading to significant environmental degradation.
At Sidi Boughaba, near Kenitra, the impact of drought has been particularly severe. In 2020, this Ramsar-protected site saw its lake levels drop due to a decline in groundwater levels. However, thanks to recent rains between February and March 2025, the ecosystem is showing signs of recovery, according to Abdeslam Bouchefra.
A dried-up part of the Sidi Boughaba lake in 2020 / Ph. Moroccan Association for Green Economy, Environment, and Climate JusticeA dried-up part of the Sidi Boughaba lake in 2020 / Ph. Moroccan Association for Green Economy, Environment, and Climate Justice
Wildlife Returns as Water Levels Improve
Abdeslam Bouchefra, secretary-general of the Society for the Protection of Animals and Nature in Morocco (SPANA), works in partnership with the Department of Water and Forests to conserve the site. He explains that while water levels remain below seasonal norms, the recent rains have allowed several species to return to their nesting grounds.
«Since the week of March 10-16, we've seen significant water return to its natural site after a long and critical period. Previously, many nesting areas had completely dried up. While the situation is improving, the delay could disrupt the breeding season for some bird species», he said.
During the drought years, sediment accumulation from surrounding watersheds further degraded the lake. «Over nearly a kilometer, water flow was obstructed, reducing the lake's surface and disrupting the ecosystem», Bouchefra explained. He added that while sedimentation is a natural process, human activities like grazing and erosion have accelerated the problem.
«The biggest challenges facing Sidi Boughaba are sedimentation and drought. While technical solutions exist, they require significant resources», he warned.
Sidi Boughaba in March 2025 / Ph. SPANASidi Boughaba in March 2025 / Ph. SPANA
Strengthening Conservation Efforts
In February, the regional directorate of the National Agency for Water and Forests (ANEF) in Rabat-Salé-Kenitra introduced a Development and Management Plan for the Sidi Boughaba wetland, in collaboration with SPANA. The initiative aims to unite all stakeholders around a shared vision for conserving and enhancing the wetland's ecosystem services.
Bouchefra emphasized the role of local authorities in protecting Morocco's wetlands. He highlighted the Ramsar Cities initiative, which encourages municipalities to commit to sustainable wetland management. Mehdia has recently been added to the program, pending certification at the Ramsar Convention's COP 15 in July.
«This is an important step, recognizing the collective efforts of public authorities, specialists, and associations to conserve Morocco's wetlands. The Ramsar Cities initiative sends a strong message to local authorities about the need to preserve these fragile ecosystems», he concluded.
The Sidi Boughaba lake before the recent rains / Ph. SPANAThe Sidi Boughaba lake before the recent rains / Ph. SPANA

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