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Unclear expropriations leave Rabat residents in disarray
Publié dans Yabiladi le 13 - 03 - 2025

In Rabat's Océan and Sania Gharbia neighborhoods, residents face expropriations and demolitions without clear information or legal transparency. FGD councilors denounce intimidation tactics and question the legality of removing property owners without a proper expropriation process.
Faced with bulldozers, residents of the Océan and Sania Gharbia neighborhoods in Rabat are left bewildered. Expropriations and demolitions are underway, yet the purpose of these projects remains unclear. The process has drawn criticism from local councilors of the Democratic Left Federation (FGD), who highlight irregularities in the implementation of the urban development plan—particularly the fact that expropriations began before the plan was even published in the Official Bulletin last February and without the legally required public inquiry.
«We have no documents or testimonies confirming a socio-economic project involving the expropriated owners, and this issue has never been addressed», says Omar El Hyani, an FGD representative on the Rabat City Council, speaking to Yabiladi. «Océan and Sania Gharbia hold a unique status, especially the latter, one of the city's oldest neighborhoods. It was the first extension outside the medina walls built for Muslims, while the modern neighborhood along Mohammed V Avenue was developed for Europeans», he recalls.
In this historically Muslim neighborhood, «most houses are legally built, with permits and land deeds, except for a few weakened by time», El Hyani notes. Echoing the concerns of affected residents and property owners, who spoke out during an FGD press conference in Rabat, he adds: «The pasha of Hassan visited, instructing people to leave quickly, following orders 'from above,' without identifying the source of the decision».
Who Benefits from the Expropriation?
On the ground, most residents have been tenants for decades. Some have complied with the authorities' instructions but question the transparency of the process, while others have demanded the legal basis for the decision. «So far, we have received no clear justification», asserts El Hyani. He reminds that «expropriations must be carried out under a public utility decree—whether for a road, a hospital, or a school. Without this, authorities cannot legally force residents from their homes, especially since private property is protected by the Constitution».
«These people are being intimidated. Some owners have accepted compensation offers of 13,000 DH per square meter, while those withcustomary property titles but not registered with the land registry are offered 10,000 DH/m². Some have taken the offer, but the biggest mystery remains the identity of the buyer».
Omar El Hyani, FGD elected official in Rabat
For now, those who agreed to sell have yet to receive compensation and remain unaware of who exactly is purchasing the land. «From what we have gathered, these are investors seeking to establish themselves along Rabat's coastline. However, the state cannot expropriate private property on behalf of another private entity», El Hyani explains.
He emphasizes that «expropriation is strictly regulated by law, which is why we highlight the intimidation tactics being used. Public testimonies and the information we have gathered as councilors confirm this. If people choose not to believe it, that's another matter».
While official details remain unclear, expropriations and demolitions continue, prompting FGD representatives to question the legitimacy of the process.
Calls for On-Site Relocation
El Hyani argues that if authorities insist on expropriating residents, they should at least consider relocating them within the same area. «This is where they have lived, worked, and studied for over 50 years. Uprooting them and moving them 30 kilometers away could cause serious social consequences».
He warns that «this case sets a dangerous precedent. These are legal property owners being forced out without following proper expropriation procedures. Our concern is that this won't stop here—the entire Rabat coastline could be targeted next».
Faced with this situation, legal action remains an option. «We have advised residents facing intimidation to take legal steps if necessary. The development plan only allows expropriation for public utility projects, such as roads and parks—not for the construction of high-rises under vague and ambiguous circumstances», El Hyani insists.

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