The plan to reactivate the «Committee for the Liberation of Ceuta and Melilla» has sparked irritation among Spain's far-right. On Tuesday, March 11, the parliamentary group of Vox submitted two written questions to the government led by Pedro Sanchez, asking whether it had received formal guarantees that Morocco would not claim the two autonomous cities, according to a statement on Vox's website. The far-right party had already voiced concerns in November 2024 following reports in the Iberian media about the revival of the committee, which was dissolved in 2014. Vox accuses the «socialist government of hiding behind its supposed good relations with Morocco» instead of openly opposing the committee's creation, notably by issuing a formal diplomatic protest to the Moroccan authorities. The Sanchez government has «ignored» these steps, Vox claims. In response, the party has opted for the parliamentary route to pressure the government into clarifying its position. However, the committee's activities no longer pose the same level of threat to Spain as they did when it was led by Yahya Yahya, a former parliamentary advisor, and Said Chramti, president of the Grand Rif Association for Human Rights.