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Stability and security at the center of African Parliamentary Forum in Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 20 - 02 - 2025

The second Forum of Chairpersons of Foreign Affairs Committees of African Parliaments is taking place this Thursday at the House of Representatives in Morocco, with representatives from over 40 African countries. Delegations are addressing issues of stability and sustainable security, building on the first edition of this event, which aims to become a regular gathering.
The Forum of Chairpersons of Foreign Affairs Committees of African Parliaments is hosting its second edition this Thursday, February 20, at the House of Representatives in Morocco, focusing on stability and security with a continental perspective. With participation from over 40 countries, the event aims to strengthen coordination among the attending delegations around two key themes : «Mediation and Coexistence : Towards Addressing Conflicts and Exploring Parliamentary Mechanisms to Prevent Crises and Strengthen Lasting Peace» and «Economic Integration and Development Paths as a Foundation for Security in Africa».
The opening session was attended by the President of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami; Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Bourita; and the President of the Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs, Migration Affairs, and Moroccans Living Abroad Committee, Salma Benaziz. In her speech, Benaziz highlighted that this edition takes place at a particularly critical time for Africa, where internal and regional conflicts are on the rise, separatist movements are emerging, and political tensions are escalating.
She stressed that these issues «once again underline the urgent need for greater coordination and consultation among African countries and parliaments, as well as the search for effective solutions to resolve conflicts while considering the specificities of our societies and our authentic culture».
«Our continent's political challenges are deeply intertwined with social conditions, ethnic and tribal dynamics, which requires us to adopt approaches rooted in dialogue and mediation, and to turn to African solutions that reflect our identity and reality», she added.
Addressing sustainability challenges
In line with these concerns, the President of the Moroccan Parliament emphasized the shared nature of the continent's ongoing challenges, despite «achievements in areas like institutional and economic development». Rachid Talbi Alami expressed hope for a «realizable African renaissance» that can be achieved through a strong and efficient continental union.
«One sign of this optimism is that, despite challenging circumstances and the unfavorable international context, our continent is projected to achieve a growth rate of 4.3% in 2025, up from 3.7% in 2024, with 24 African countries expected to grow by more than 5%», Talbi Alami noted.
However, he cautioned that «progress at the continental economic level and in institutional strengthening should not overshadow the significant challenges Africa still faces, nor the alarming social and environmental indicators that pose obstacles to the economic growth and social cohesion needed for stability».
Strengthening stability through South-South cooperation
In this context, Nasser Bourita, Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs, reaffirmed the kingdom's rejection of «opportunism and self-proclaimed leaders who believe they can reduce African countries to mere followers».
He emphasized that Morocco remains confident in Africa's potential, stating, «Unlike many who view Africa through a lens of pessimism, we see opportunities where others see only problems. We prioritize sustainable solutions, whereas others settle for quick fixes».
Bourita also praised the pioneering role of African foreign affairs committees in enhancing cooperation across the continent, emphasizing Morocco's commitment to supporting the continent's interests through South-South cooperation. He highlighted Morocco's strategy, which focuses on capacity building, peace promotion, security, stability, and economic integration as key pillars for achieving sustainable development.
He also mentioned the African Atlantic pipeline, which will connect Nigeria to Morocco through 13 African countries over a distance of 6,890 km, with a total investment of over 25 billion dollars. Bourita stressed that Morocco prioritizes human-centered cooperation, with a focus on concrete projects in sectors such as education, health, and human development, aimed at improving the lives of African populations.
The first edition of the Forum of Chairpersons of Foreign Affairs Committees of African Parliaments was held in Rabat in July 2023, under the theme «African Parliamentary Cooperation in the Face of Current Challenges». At the conclusion of that meeting, participating delegations signed a Declaration affirming «the unity and integration of the African continent». They also expressed their commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of African states.
This second edition continues that momentum, building on the principles outlined in the Declaration and furthering the discussion on sustainable stability across the continent.

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