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Winter in Morocco, four stunning snow destinations
Publié dans Yabiladi le 22 - 01 - 2025

Morocco offers stunning snow destinations, including Ifrane, Oukaimeden, Toubkal, and Bab Boudir, each with unique attractions like skiing, trekking, and scenic landscapes.
It is snow season in Morocco. It does snow here, for those asking and for foreigners who never had the chance to visit the country during the winter season.
This January, several spots in Morocco have been covered by snow, attracting locals and tourists alike. From mountainous regions to famous towns in Morocco's Middle Atlas Mountains, Yabiladi is listing these snow attractions. How to get there and what to do—Yabiladi will make you visit four of Morocco's most exciting snow attractions.
Ifrane, snow with a view
This small town in the Middle Atlas region of northern Morocco is one of the country's most popular snow destinations. Ifrane, meaning «caves» in Tamazight, was constructed by the French back in 1928, which explains its unique architecture. The city, located at an elevation of 1,665 meters, is built in an Alpine European town style, with steeply pitched roofs and wooden balconies. These roofs are designed to prevent snow from piling up on houses.
Whoever visits Ifrane feels that it is unlike any other Moroccan city. It is an escape—a little Switzerland in the heart of Africa—and the snow adds to its charm.
Ifrane is a go-to destination for Moroccans looking to enjoy a weekend in the snow. Thanks to its location, Ifrane is just a couple of hours' drive from most populated cities, such as Fez, Meknes, and Rabat.
What to expect when visiting Ifrane? The town is surrounded by Alpine forests, lakes, and, most importantly, snow!
Only 15 km from Ifrane, you'll find Lake Daya Awa. This 140-hectare lake is surrounded by a low wet meadow and forests of holm oaks (Quercus rotundifolia) and cedar trees (Cedrus atlantica). You can enjoy the view or, even better, rent a horse ride near the lake.
If you're into skiing, don't miss the Michlifen Ski Resort, located not far from Ifrane. The resort is known for its snow-covered slopes. If you're not prepared, no worries—you can rent skiing gear on-site to enjoy some slides.
For skiing and snowboarding, there is 1 km of slopes available, and two lifts transport guests. The winter sports area is situated between elevations of 1,880 and 2,060 meters, according to a skiing website.
Snow near Marrakech
When visiting the emblematic Marrakech, you'll likely spot the white-capped peaks surrounding the city—those are the snow-covered Atlas Mountains. Only 80 kilometers away from the city, you can explore and visit one of these snowcapped wonders.
Oukaimeden is located slightly higher up than the Ourika Valley. Just a 1.5-hour drive from Marrakech, you'll find yourself surrounded by snow. This small village sits at 3,273 meters above sea level, with snow lasting from January until late March or April. Weather forecasts indicate that the snowiest week in Oukaimeden is typically the third week of February.
Once in Oukaimeden, you'll notice stands where locals rent out skiing gear and winter clothing. If you come unequipped, no problem—you can rent coats, waterproof snow boots, snowsuits, scarves, and gloves. For skiing gear, hourly rentals range from small snow sliders for kids to more professional equipment like skis and snowboards.
After skiing, consider visiting the small lake in the middle of the village (if it isn't frozen), building a snowman, or having a snowball fight. You can also enjoy a hot tagine while taking in the view of the snow-covered slopes.
Considered the highest ski resort in North Africa, the Oukaimeden Ski Resort was ranked among the 100 best ski stations in the world by CNN in 2014.
Getting to Oukaimeden, however, can be a bit tricky. The road leading to the ski resort has been experiencing traffic jams due to ongoing renovations. These roadworks are part of a larger project aimed at turning Oukaimeden into a world-class tourist hub. With an overall budget of 230 million dirhams, the project includes rehabilitating and modernizing the site, reinforcing roads, improving services, and developing new leisure infrastructures.
Winter climbing : Toubkal
Toubkal, the roof of North Africa, offers a different kind of experience—adrenaline-filled winter climbing. While harder than in summer, it still attracts climbers and trekkers during the colder months when it is mostly covered in snow. If you're into trekking and love a challenge, a snow-blanketed climb up Toubkal is the answer.
Not very far from Marrakech, Morocco's highest peak can be reached from the small village of Imlil. The winter climb of Toubkal guarantees magnificent views of the High Atlas Mountains, with climbing season starting in October and lasting until April.
The climb should always be done with a Mount Toubkal expert mountain guide, as it is considered «serious trekking». Using crampons and ice axes is required and a good level of fitness is essential, according to a specialized Toubkal climbing website.
The adventure starts in Imlil and can last a few days, although the climb itself can be completed in two days. Trekkers can rent equipment, such as ice axes and crampons, in Imlil. A night at the Toubkal Refuge can split the climb into two days.
The climb is significantly harder in winter, requiring trekking through snow and ice. The ascent is particularly challenging due to strong winds, icy conditions, and freezing temperatures.
Bab Boudir, a snow heaven
If you're near Taza and fancy a snowy landscape, Bab Boudir is the perfect destination. Located near the Tazekka National Park—created in 1950 to protect the natural resources around Jbel Tazekka (elevation 1,980 meters)—Bab Boudir serves as a snowy gateway to the Middle Atlas Mountains.
Historically, Bab Boudir has been an area of interest. According to Jalal Zine El Abidine, a professor of contemporary history at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, the French Protectorate Administration established a summer tourist resort in Bab Boudir in the 1920s, spanning 78 hectares.
In 1931, Bab Boudir hosted a summer camp for children, and by 1936, 15 wooden houses were constructed to accommodate tourists.
During the winter, like many mountainous regions in Morocco, Bab Boudir is covered in snow, drawing visitors from Taza or Fez for picnics and scenic outings. The area is also a well-known hiking destination, with several trails extending from Bab Boudir.

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