Moroccan authorities have apprehended a Swedish national at the Bab Sebta checkpoint, in response to an international arrest warrant issued by Sweden. The man, aged 19, is allegedly involved in the possession of assault weapons intended for criminal activities, as reported by security sources. Upon verification with the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) database, it was confirmed that the suspect is the subject of a red notice from Stockholm's National Central Bureau. This notice underscores the urgency and seriousness of the charges he faces. The individual is currently held in police custody, awaiting transfer to the appropriate public prosecutor's office. Concurrently, the National Central Bureau «Interpol Office in Rabat», operating under the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN), has been instructed to inform Swedish authorities of the arrest, initiating the extradition process, according to the same source. This operation highlights Morocco's dedication to upholding international security cooperation agreements, particularly in the identification and capture of individuals wanted for transnational criminal activities.