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Diaspo #369 : Mohamed Ouaabouz, a humanitarian bridge between Morocco and France
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 12 - 2024

Moroccan immigrant Mohamed Ouaabouz, known as «Mouha», exemplifies cultural coexistence through his active role in charitable associations, serving as a bridge between Morocco and France. Through founding the PAM-LIER association, he has contributed to improving many people's lives, promoting values of solidarity and cooperation between the two countries.
Mohamed Ouaabouz, known as «Mouha» in his community, grew up in a small village between Errachidia and Erfoud in Morocco's Errachidia region and immigrated to France with his family at a young age. In 1979, he settled in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson, becoming a bridge between two different cultures, and today stands as a living example of coexistence and integration between the two countries.
Mohamed Ouaabouz is a multifaceted individual with diverse paths. He began his academic journey by obtaining a BEP in electrical engineering, then added a professional baccalaureate in maintenance, and completed his educational path with a BEP in foundry work. In 2019, he furthered his education by obtaining a professional certificate in «General Recreational Activities». He worked at the Saint-Gobain PAM factory for 27 years, gaining valuable experience before transitioning to a new field managing extracurricular activities in Pont-à-Mousson schools.
In the 1990s, Mohamed entered the world of community work, engaging in numerous social activities, which paved the way for his involvement in several local associations such as SNI (National and International Solidarity) and the Zac de Breuil Youth Association, as well as the local football club. These activities marked the beginning of building strong humanitarian connections, and over time, he developed a clear vision of the impact of collective solidarity in improving others' lives.
Humanitarian initiatives on the ground
Mohamed's experience with the SNI association was pivotal in his life. Through these humanitarian journeys, Mohamed discovered the impact of solidarity and how each individual can contribute to making a positive change in others' lives, no matter how small their contribution. This awareness led him to think about establishing his own association.
Speaking to Yabiladi, «Mouha», as he prefers to be called, said, «I always remember wanting to create an association. In 2016, I discussed this project idea with my friend in Morocco's southeastern region». Indeed, his dream came true with the establishment of PAM-LIER, combining the initials of Pont-à-Mousson and the word «LIER», which means to connect France and Morocco. The association operates between both countries and organizes numerous humanitarian and social activities that impact many people's lives.
Among the association's initiatives was sending clothes and blankets to nomads in the Tinghir and Merzouga regions, supporting orphanages with clothes and toys, as well as organizing charitable tours in France to distribute food and clothing to the homeless. However, the memory that still affects Mohamed most is of a family near Tinghir who were living in harsh conditions among garbage.
«We also provided crutches to a woman who was missing one leg, and we continue to regularly monitor the family's situation. I still remember the reception from the local residents there, great hospitality where they offered us food for free or with big discounts, despite our group numbering 27 people».
Mohamed Ouaabouz
One of the association's notable initiatives was a bus journey loaded with football equipment and clothing across France and Spain to deliver them to southeastern regions of Morocco. The association also participated in providing support to those affected by the Al Haouz earthquake that occurred on September 8, 2023, sending blankets, wheelchairs, tents, and crutches. Additionally, the association organized a friendly match with a women's team in Tinghir, affirming their commitment to developing women's sports in the region.
Alongside his role in charitable activities, Mohamed holds the position of extracurricular activities director in Pont-à-Mousson schools. He is also the vice president of the women's football club and coach of the U18F team at AS Pagny. He consistently strives to support sports teams in remote areas of Morocco, especially in women's football.
«Mouha» takes pride in his dual Moroccan and French identity. He sees this identity as a source of strength and an opportunity to strengthen relations between the two countries, considering himself a bridge between two cultures, always working to promote humanitarian cooperation between different peoples and cultures. He doesn't see himself as just an expatriate living abroad, but rather views himself as a link between the two countries, seeking to provide support and assistance wherever others need it.

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