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Merzouga, New Year's Eve under the stars in the Sahara Desert
Publié dans Yabiladi le 16 - 12 - 2024

Spending a night or two in a Sahara Desert shelter under the stars or around a campfire has become a popular trend for Moroccans and tourists looking to celebrate New Year's Eve. Merzouga and the dunes of Erg Chebbi offer guests an exciting program to kick off the year in the heart of nature.
It is almost the start of a new year. And what is more beautiful and soul-cleansing than kick-starting it in nature? More people, both locals and tourists, are heading south to enjoy New Year's Eve in the middle of nowhere—away from the hectic nights out, noisy parties, and crowded restaurants and clubs.
Merzouga, a small Moroccan town in the Sahara Desert and the gateway to Erg Chebbi—a vast expanse of sand dunes—is slowly but surely earning the badge of an ideal New Year's Eve destination.
Breath-taking adventure
The adventure begins with an escape into nature, starting with an exciting trip through the Atlas Mountains, known for breathtaking scenery and historical landmarks. If you're starting your journey to Merzouga from Marrakech, you won't be bored. After pick-up, «we begin by driving through Tizi n'Tichka», desert and tourist guide Lahcen Ahansal told Yabiladi. This mountain pass connects southeastern Marrakech to the city of Ouarzazate through the High Atlas Mountains.
Ph. / Lahcen Ahansal
Through Tizi n'Tichka, visitors can admire the Atlas Mountains and their breathtaking landscapes before stopping in Telouet, a village in the Ouarzazate province. Most notably, Telouet is home to the former stronghold of the El Glaoui family.
«In Telouet, we stop for lunch», said Ahansal, who frequently accompanies tourists on their journeys to discover the Sahara Desert. «We used to visit the Kasbah of Telouet», the seat of the El Glaoui family's power built in the 1860s, «but unfortunately, after the earthquake, it has been closed for safety reasons».
Admiring the Kasbah from afar, the trip continues through other attractions along the way, including the Ait Benhaddou Oasis. After spending the night in Ait Benhaddou or Kalaat M'Gouna, the journey proceeds to Merzouga with a program full of activities.
New Year's eve under the stars
Once in Merzouga, Ahansal guides his tourists to ride camels through the dunes of Erg Chebbi—one of Morocco's iconic ergs, or vast seas of wind-blown sand—to their tents, known locally as bivouac shelters.
Ph. / Lahcen Ahansal
In these camps, locals like Hssine Ouatou ensure everything is ready. At his hotel-tent shelter, the «Merzouga Dunes Luxury Camp», Ouatou greets his guests in traditional Moroccan style: with mint tea, milk, and dates.
But first things first—the sunset. After checking in, guests either ride camels, quads, or 4x4 vehicles to watch the sunset from the «Grande Dune», the highest sandhill in the Erg.
Then, the festivities begin. Guests enjoy a buffet filled with Moroccan delicacies, including couscous, mechoui (grilled meat), and a local specialty known as Berber pizza, or medfouna.
«Later, there's a party with Gnawa music performed by local bands, along with drumming and even a DJ», Ouatou noted. The entertainment wouldn't be complete without a taste of Moroccan folklore, featuring ahwach and ahidouss bands.
But the fun doesn't end there. After food and drinks, guests can stargaze, watch the moonlight over the desert, or enjoy music and storytelling around a campfire.
«New Year's Eve in the Sahara has a unique charm», insisted Ahansal. «The weather is nice—not very cold—and the sky at night is stunning, full of stars, with the moon shining as brightly as the sun», he reminisced.
Dunes for a fresh start of the year
The next morning, the celebration continues with the first sunrise of the year. According to Lahcen Koujout, who provides tourist transportation and accompanies visitors on their New Year's retreats in Merzouga, the experience is best enjoyed over at least two nights in the desert camp.
After the New Year's Eve party, the next morning, «guests can visit other breathtaking attractions» he said. One of these could be the Merzouga Lake, a hotspot for birdwatching, or the dunes of Erg Chebbi, which stretch over 14 kilometers.
«This experience is unlike any other and absolutely worth trying», said Koujout, who emphasized the importance of booking your Merzouga retreat ahead of time due to high demand. «People come from all over the world and Morocco, with some even booking as early as June or July».
If you're considering a New Year's Eve retreat, what could be better than a getaway in the Sahara ?

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