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Honoring the legacy of Moroccan Goumiers, heroes of France's liberation
Publié dans Yabiladi le 10 - 12 - 2024

A tribute was paid to the Moroccan Goumiers who sacrificed themselves for the freedom of France at a ceremony held this weekend in the commune of Fréland, near Colmar (Alsace), to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its liberation from Nazi occupation.
Mobilized to carry out risky operations, often on the front line and in extreme conditions, these fighters demonstrated courage and bravery in defending liberty and fraternity, playing a key role in the liberation of France and leaving their mark on history through their commitment and heroic deeds.
The commemorative ceremony was attended by diplomats, members of parliament, local elected representatives, and numerous civilian and military figures, in the presence of veterans, their families, and representatives of memorial associations.
On this occasion, Morocco's Vice-Consul General in Strasbourg, Abdelaziz El-Alami, expressed the Kingdom's gratitude and admiration for these heroes, noting that their memory must be preserved and honored, and that their contribution to the liberation of France remains a testament to courage and humanity.
«These men, these Goumiers, paid a heavy price for the freedom of France. They sacrificed their lives, leaving behind their families and homeland, to fight alongside the French for peace and the dignity of mankind», he recalled, underlining the importance of passing on this heritage to future generations.
For his part, the mayor of Fréland, Jean-Louis Barlier, highlighted the determination and heroism of the Moroccan Goumiers who fought in the fog of the Vosges and the woods of Alsace, stressing that «these valiant men distinguished themselves by their vast camouflage operations, making a major contribution to annihilating the enemy and reconquering our territory».
Thus, these Moroccan fighters, from Corsica to the island of Elba, in the Abruzzi region of France, via Sicily and then Provence, covered themselves in glory along their route before returning home, he said. He added that when the Indochina War broke out, they were sent once again to this theater of operations between 1948 and 1954, where they paid a heavy price in the service of France.
«Let us remember that we owe our freedom to these Moroccan warriors, whose bravery in battle aroused the admiration of the allies and the fear of the enemy!» declared Jean-Marie Scotton, President of Koumia, the association of former Moroccan Goumiers and Indigenous Affairs in France.
«They wrote a beautiful page in the shared history of Morocco and France. This fraternity of arms experienced by our fathers at the time is part of the French-Moroccan friendship of today», he affirmed, stressing the need for younger generations to «take over this memory and perpetuate this recognition of these men who made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives to defend our values of justice, freedom, solidarity, and tolerance».
The ceremony was marked by the singing of the Tabor song, with the famous phrase «Zidou L'Goudem!» (Go forward, go forward!), uttered by Moroccan soldiers to galvanize spirits and stimulate tenacity during military missions. This phrase has since been transformed into a motivating song emblematic of the Goums.
The Tabor song remains an important symbol of the courage and heroism of the Moroccan Goumiers and is often performed at military commemorations and ceremonies to pay tribute to these valiant soldiers.
«These songs of the Goums, our songs, we sang all along the road that, through so many trials, led us from Africa to the heart of Germany, from the humiliation of defeat to the pride of victory. We sang them as we awaited battle. We sang them as we went into battle when death mowed down the best among us. We sang them in the fatigue of battle evenings. What memories they evoke!» wrote General Guillaume, their former commander, nicknamed the Great Auroch.
The Moroccan Goumiers distinguished themselves by their bravery and loyalty. As seasoned combatants, they faced fierce fighting in difficult terrain, often on the front line, and contributed decisively to several key victories. Their role in these battles was decisive, and their courage exemplary. These men made the ultimate sacrifice, losing their lives for the freedom of France.

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