The family of a young man named Amin, who passed away on November 29 after being stabbed during a fight in the «Los Vinos» area of the city of Ourense, Spain, has launched a fundraising campaign to repatriate his body to Morocco. The campaign was initiated through an Instagram account, aiming to collect donations to cover the victim's funeral costs. The campaign's appeal stated: «Let us unite our efforts to support his family in this difficult ordeal. Any contribution, no matter how small, will be a great support for them». The post also added: «Amin, we will never forget you. You will always remain in our hearts». Police sources confirmed that the campaign is legitimate and does not involve any suspicion of fraud. Meanwhile, the judge has requested the public prosecutor and the defense to submit a report on the approval of the body's transfer. The family also announced, through the funeral home, that they would submit an official request to transfer the body to Morocco. According to Spanish media, the authorities managed to arrest the perpetrator, who has been placed in pretrial detention.