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Controversial Brazilian influencer vanishes, found detained in Morocco after police clash
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 11 - 2024

Brazilian influencer and reality TV star Liziane Gutierrez has been detained in Morocco since late October following a clash with police in Marrakech, with the Brazilian embassy providing consular support. Known for past controversies, Gutierrez previously reported being robbed before disappearing from social media.
Brazilian reality TV star and influencer Liziane Gutierrez has been detained in Morocco since late October following a dispute with Moroccan police. The 38-year-old model was on holiday in Marrakech with her ex-husband, who confirmed the arrest to the Brazilian newspaper Leo Dias earlier this week.
Gutierrez's partner said that the influencer, who boasts more than 1.5 million followers on Instagram, has been locked up in a Marrakech prison cell for more than four weeks. According to him, the arrest took place after the influencer clashed with local police during a night out in Marrakech.
Liziane stopped posting on her Instagram on October 30, with her last posts featuring photos from her stay in Marrakech, explaining her absence from social media.
Her former husband, Toni, with whom she is still in a romantic relationship, told Brazilian media that the Brazilian embassy is assisting the influencer.
Assisted by the Brazilian Embassy
When asked about her current situation, he said: «Yes, I was with her. But after she was arrested, I continued my journey. Her trial was not going to be quick, and I was not going to wait there indefinitely».
«The embassy was helping her, and they knew about her situation from the beginning. I spoke to them, and it was agreed that in the situation I was in, it was best for me to continue my journey because there was no forecast for anything at that time», he added.
Indeed, in a note sent to the same newspaper, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the arrest, reassuring the family of the arrestee.
«The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Brazilian Embassy in Rabat, has provided consular assistance to the national and her family, as well as maintaining contact with local authorities regarding the case», reads the note.
Shortly before disappearing from her social media, the influencer last posted a photo that she captioned, complaining about being robbed while leaving her hotel in Marrakech.
«Just when I thought I was beginning to love Marrakesh, leaving the hotel and going to a street that was 500 meters from the hotel, we were mugged!» she wrote. «A motorcycle drove by and took my Prada bag that I loved, my scarf, Toni's work phone, and my phone. Our luck was that our documents were in the hotel safe; otherwise, they would have gone too», she complained.
«Let this be a lesson, not only for those traveling to Morocco, but I think anywhere: be very careful with your most important belongings, because if they had taken our passports, we would have had to go to the capital, and who knows how long that would have taken», said the influencer, who was staying at La Mamounia, Marrakech's most prestigious hotel.
Liziane, who is known both in Brazil and the United States, is also recognized for her temper. Last April, in Ukraine, she was held by police in her hotel room after a mix-up over her documents.
In 2021, she was detained after clashing with security guards at a festival in Las Vegas. The model is also widely known for her testimony against American rapper Chris Brown. Liziane accused him of punching her in the face during a Vegas bash after she snapped a picture of him at a private party. She even speaks about the incident in a recent documentary.

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