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Moroccan documentary on Sahara «Um Echgag» screened at London Arthouse Film Festival
Publié dans Yabiladi le 14 - 11 - 2024

The documentary film «Um Echgag», by Moroccan director Ahmed Bouchalga, was screened in London on Tuesday evening as part of the 5th London Arthouse Film Festival (LAHFF), giving British film buffs an insight into Moroccan Hassani cinema.
This production turns the spotlight on an important period in the history of the Sahara, recounting the events leading up to the Um Echgag congress, which brought together notables and representatives of all Saharan tribes in 1956, culminating in a delegation being sent to Rabat to renew allegiance to the late King Mohammed V on his return from exile.
Based on archive footage and testimonies gathered from Saharawi activists, the documentary retraces the events that marked the region from the arrival of French and Spanish forces to the completion of the Kingdom's territorial integrity, following the glorious Green March.
The film is «the fruit of two years» effort and extensive research in French and Spanish archives, in order to present sourced and verifiable information, the film's director, Ahmed Bouchalga, told MAP.
«It is therefore a plea in favor of the Moroccanity of the Sahara», as it reveals historical facts that testify to the indefectible links between the Saharawis and Morocco, as well as their attachment to the Alaouite Throne, he stressed.
For his part, Said Zribiaa, President of the Federation of Cinema and Audiovisual Professionals in the Sahara, explained that the screening of the film in London is part of the agreement signed between the Federation and the management of LAHFF, to defend the National Cause and promote the development of Hassani film.
This participation also aims to «promote the Moroccan Saharawi space in world cinema», while establishing contacts and partnerships with other participants in this cultural event, he detailed.
The London Arthouse Film Festival sees itself as an event «that believes in the power of cinema to create societal change, advocate human rights and tell stories of peace».
The event provides an opportunity for filmmakers from diverse backgrounds to screen their productions in highly symbolic locations, promoting an enriching cultural exchange.

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