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Hosting 2030 World Cup could yield over $10 billion for Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 05 - 11 - 2024

Hosting the 2030 World Cup presents Morocco with a unique opportunity to boost tourism, attract investment, and enhance infrastructure, with projected economic returns of $8-10 billion. However, challenges remain in creating sustainable stadiums, managing debt, and upgrading public services for long-term benefits.
Hosting the World Cup offers significant economic, social, and cultural opportunities for countries looking to enhance their global standing and achieve sustainable development. These are the findings of the Government Action Observatory, in partnership with the Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development, in a policy paper titled «The 2030 World Cup: Major Development Gains and Challenges for Sustainability».
In Morocco's case, the report's authors noted that organizing this sports event presents a unique chance to make substantial progress toward the goals outlined in the country's new development model.
Hosting the World Cup could help Morocco reinforce its position as an international destination for tourism and investment, showcase its organizational capabilities on the world stage, boost investor confidence in its business environment, and attract millions of global visitors, stimulating tourism flows.
According to the report, experiences from Qatar 2022 and Russia 2018 suggest that hosting the World Cup can significantly boost tourism. Morocco is projected to attract over 1.5 million visitors during the tournament, driving tourism activity and supporting the local economy.
In terms of expected revenue, based on spending patterns at previous World Cups, additional tourism income could range between $2 billion and $3 billion, with hotel occupancy rates expected to reach 90-100% during the tournament. Other sectors benefiting include restaurants, cafés, transportation, and logistics.
Hosting the World Cup could boost Morocco's GDP growth by 0.5% to 1%
The financial and social benefits of hosting the World Cup are expected to include significant investment in infrastructure. This would cover sports facilities and amenities ($3-5 billion), the expansion of the high-speed rail network between Casablanca and Agadir ($5 billion), healthcare improvements through hospital construction and upgrades ($2 billion), and enhancements to road and public transportation networks ($1.5 billion).
Broadcasting rights, estimated to bring in over $2 billion, and sponsorships and advertising, expected to reach $1 billion, are also projected to contribute to Morocco's revenues. Additionally, the report suggests that hosting major tournaments like the World Cup could boost Morocco's GDP growth by 0.5% to 1% per year, translating to an economic increase of $3-4 billion.
Long-term infrastructure benefits include the rehabilitation of public facilities, stadiums, and sports venues, a heightened awareness of sports, and the creation of volunteer and training opportunities.
However, the report also outlines challenges in hosting the World Cup, such as developing a sustainable economic model for stadiums, ensuring profitability post-tournament, managing and avoiding debt pressure, digitizing services, and enhancing the quality of public, tourism, and transportation services.
The report concludes that organizing the World Cup gives Morocco a historic opportunity to achieve deep, lasting economic and social gains. The event's direct financial returns, estimated to exceed $10 billion, highlight the potential economic and social benefits for the country.

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