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47% of Muslims in EU face racial discrimination, survey finds
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 10 - 2024

A report by the Fundamental Rights Agency reveals that 47% of Muslims in 13 EU countries have faced racial discrimination due to their religious affiliation, up from 35% two years ago. The study highlights significant discrimination in employment and housing, with the agency calling for stronger measures to combat Islamophobia across the EU.
The increase in discrimination is «dehumanizing», to say the least. According to the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), 47% of Muslims report experiencing racial discrimination over the past five years in 13 European Union countries due to their religious affiliation. The report titled «Being Muslim in the EU», unveiled on Thursday, October 24, reveals a troubling rise in this rate, which was 35% just two years ago.
The report highlights that «Muslims across the EU are increasingly experiencing racism and worrying about their safety» a situation fueled by conflicts in the Middle East and aggravated by the dehumanizing anti-Muslim rhetoric prevalent across the continent. However, it does not cover the period following October 7, 2023, the day after the Hamas attacks and the subsequent war of occupation by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.
This study is based on a questionnaire completed by nearly 9,604 Muslims between October 2021 and October 2022. Among those surveyed, 1,397 respondents identified as Moroccan immigrants: 180 in Belgium, 673 in Spain, 110 in France, 355 in Italy, and 79 in the Netherlands. The study encompasses 13 EU countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden.
In Austria, 71% of respondents reported experiencing discrimination, followed by 68% in Germany and 63% in Finland. In France, the figure stands at 39%. Sirpa Rautio, the director of the European Agency since March 2024, emphasizes that «Europe must be a safe place where Muslims feel that they belong. If we fall short in this endeavour, the responsibility is upon us all to create diverse and equal societies».
Earlier this year, the agency published a survey highlighting a rise in anti-Semitism in Europe. These cross-referenced findings, along with the report «Being Black in the EU», reflect the current atmosphere of identity tension across the continent.
Muslims face increased discrimination in employment and housing
The discriminatory experiences faced by Muslims in the European Union vary significantly. Those from sub-Saharan African countries, young Muslims born in the EU, and women wearing clothing perceived as «religious» are particularly vulnerable to racial discrimination.
Discrimination is most pronounced in the labor market and housing access. «The highest rates of racial discrimination in the 5 years before the survey are in employment, both when looking for work (39 %) and at work (35 %), and housing (35 %)».
Women aged 25 to 44, identifiable by their religious clothing, face more discrimination in employment access (41%) compared to others (31%). Discrimination increases with age; for example, 58% of those aged 16-24 wearing religious attire report discrimination.
In terms of housing, 35% of respondents in the studied countries said they have been unable to buy or rent a home due to discrimination, up from 22% in 2016. Among the 27% who have been stopped by police in the last five years, 42% believe these encounters are linked to their origin or ethnicity.
In light of these findings, the FRA urges EU Member States to pay greater attention to Islamophobia, also referred to as «anti-Muslim racism». The agency recommends collecting data on all grounds of discrimination to enable better policy development and properly implementing anti-discrimination laws.
Additionally, the FRA calls for eradicating discriminatory institutional practices and cultures within the EU that lead to illegal police checks.

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