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2023 was the hottest year ever recorded since the beginning of the 20th century in Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 10 - 2024

Between rising temperatures, prolonged drought, and rainfall deficits, 2023 has been a record year, signaling significant climate changes in Morocco. In this context, the recent report from the General Directorate of Meteorology (DGM) corroborates the scientific forecasts for the region, as Morocco is considered a hotspot for the climatic disruptions affecting the Mediterranean.
With an average daily temperature above normal for 79% of the days of the year, 2023 is now considered the hottest year ever recorded in Morocco since the beginning of the 20th century. In its recent report on the state of the climate in the country, the General Directorate of Meteorology (DGM) reports significant variations across the kingdom.
«On the peaks of the High and Middle Atlas, the temperature oscillated between 4.8 and 12°C», in line with «the typical climatic conditions of these mountainous regions». In the Rif, «the temperature remained between 12 and 16°C». Elsewhere, particularly in the plains and coastal areas, «it varied between 18 and 24°C». «Particularly high» temperatures were recorded «on the south-eastern slopes of the country, as well as in the regions of Marrakech and Laayoune Sakia El Hamra, where they fluctuated between 22 and 24.9°C». Thus, «the annual average temperature was generally higher than the climatological normal, calculated over the reference period of 1981-2010», underlines the report.
This trend of «warming» is «particularly notable in the regions of Chichaoua, Rehamna (central plains), and Tinghir (eastern slope)», where the average temperature anomaly «exceeded +3°C», notes the same source. It describes «a less marked climatic variability» elsewhere, but it remains «significant». A striking indicator of this evolution is that the year 2023 now marks a new national record of 50.4°, recorded in August in Agadir, exceeding 50° for the first time in Morocco.
Indeed, the DGM notes, «the average annual maximum temperature was generally higher than its climatological normal». This warming was very pronounced in the regions of «Marrakech, Beni Mellal, Agadir, Taroudant, Errachidia, Ouarzazate, Chefchaouen, Laayoune, and Guelmim», where the anomaly exceeded +3.5°C. This trend underscores «the intensification of global warming in these zones, with potential implications for agriculture, particularly on the viability of crops and water stress», warns the meteorological directorate.
The trend is further confirmed by another notable observation: in 2023, the average minimum temperature exhibited «notable variations» across regions while remaining «abnormally warm» over most of the territory compared to the climatological normal for the reference period (1981 - 2010). However, a few regions in the north, such as Chefchaouen, Al Hoceïma, Rabat, Kenitra, Nador, Taza, and Guercif, deviated from this trend, showing negative anomalies of up to -1.5°C.
In other areas, increases in minimum temperature were more pronounced, varying between +1 and +2.5°C, with Taourirt experiencing the highest increase of +2.65°C according to the DGM.
2023 : The hottest year and the driest in 8 decades
In addition to temperature changes, the unprecedented drought affecting the country for several years intensified in 2023. «The year 2023 is the hottest year ever recorded in Morocco, followed by the year 2022. It is also the driest year for at least 80 years, with a national rainfall deficit reaching 48%», notes the DGM.
In 2023, rainfall experienced «cumulative levels below the normals of the reference period», revealing a «notable» deficit.
«The Tangier and Rif zones recorded between 400 and 600 mm of precipitation, values significantly lower than the usual normals for these regions. Tangier, which posted the highest cumulative total with 588.1 mm, nevertheless experienced rainfall below its normal of 696.7 mm (-15%). Significant deviations were observed in Chefchaouen and Tetouan, where the respective totals of 383 mm and 369 mm were well below their normals of 1018 mm (-62%) and 692 mm (-47%)».
In «usually arid» zones, Laayoune and Dakhla «continued to show low totals, not exceeding 100 mm». Several stations in the region displayed totals «between 100 and 400 mm», well below normal. However, Errachidia recorded «a cumulative rainfall of 128 mm, slightly exceeding its normal» of 124 mm.
With an average rainfall deficit of nearly 35%, the last five years (2019 - 2023) constitute «the longest and most severe period of consecutive dry years», according to the meteorological directorate. Due to its geographical location at the confluence of Mediterranean, dry, and semi-arid climates, Morocco is one of the regions most affected by drought in the world.
Previous scientific studies on climate change in North Africa have predicted that the country should prepare for winters with increasingly less rainfall.

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