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King Mohammed VI calls for focus on the «small number of countries» still supporting Polisario
Publié dans Yabiladi le 11 - 10 - 2024

King Mohammed VI welcomed the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara by the United States and France, as well as support from numerous other countries for Morocco's autonomy plan for the region. He urged continued efforts to engage with the «small number of countries that persist in opposing the logic of law and denying the facts of history».
King Mohammed VI presided over the opening of the new parliamentary year on Friday, October 11, delivering a speech primarily focused on the Sahara issue, which he declared as «the primary national cause» for all Moroccans.
The Sovereign highlighted the significant progress made since his reign began in July 1999, attributing this success to a strategic shift from «reactive management to a dynamic of change unfolding both internally and externally». He emphasized the importance of moving from «a purely reactive approach to a proactive one, characterized by initiative, firmness, and proactivity».
A notable achievement during this dynamic has been the recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara by two permanent members of the Security Council: the United States in December 2020 and France in July 2024. «On this occasion, I express, in my personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, my deepest thanks and my profound gratitude to France and to His Excellency President Emmanuel Macron for this frank support for Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara (...) France possesses a keen understanding of the nature and the foundations of this regional conflict», declared the Sovereign.
New dynamics, new objectives
The King also welcomed the Spanish support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for the Sahara, enacted in March 2022, emphasizing Spain's awareness of the hidden motives behind the conflict and the historical significance of its position.
King Mohammed VI also thanked «brotherly Arab and African countries for their clear and responsible support for the Kingdom's territorial integrity, particularly those which have opened consulates in Laayoune and Dakhla. At the same time, the Autonomy plan, the only basis for achieving a definitive settlement of the conflict within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty, enjoys the broad support of a growing number of countries around the world».
While hailing the gains made, the Sovereign stressed that «the next stage requires greater mobilization and vigilance on everyone's part to consolidate our country's position on a lasting basis, and it is important to continue to plead the justness of our cause and thwart the maneuvers of our enemies».
In this context, «the fundamentals of Morocco's position must be explained to the small number of countries that continue to go against the logic of the law and deny the historical facts. At the same time, we need to convince them of the legitimacy of Morocco's claim to the Sahara, using evidence and legal, political, historical, and spiritual arguments», he added.
«The achievements we have made towards bringing this issue to a close, and the socio-economic development of our Southern Provinces, have been made possible by the solidarity of all Moroccans, and by their concerted efforts to consolidate national unity and territorial integrity», he noted.
The royal address, which focused exclusively on the Sahara question, came a week after the European Union Court of Justice handed down its ruling on October 4. King Mohammed VI also thanked «all those countries that deal with the Kingdom's Southern Provinces as an integral part of their national territory, both economically and in terms of investment».

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