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Algeria blames Morocco for Algiers stadium riots
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 09 - 2024

Algerian media and political organizations accused Morocco of instigating the riots during a football match in Algiers, where a fan lost his life. Meanwhile, Tunisia's Football Federation lodged a complaint with CAF regarding the violence their team faced during the match.
Algerian media and political organizations quickly accused Morocco of instigating the riots at Algiers' Ali La Pointe Stadium on Saturday. The stadium was hosting the first match between Mouloudia Algeria and Tunisia's US Monastir in the preliminary rounds of the African Champions League, during which an Algerian fan tragically lost their life.
Videos circulating on social media showed clashes between fans and Algerian security forces, as well as vandalism of the stadium's new facilities.
Al-Shorouk, a newspaper close to Algerian decision-makers, called for the protection of Mouloudia supporters from what it described as an orchestrated «plot targeting Algeria». The paper, which frequently blames Morocco for incidents in Algeria, claimed that the events were not the fault of Mouloudia fans, stating: «All indicators for informed and objective observers clearly point to a (failed) attempt to exploit the club's large, historic fanbase to undermine Algeria and tarnish its image».
The newspaper further alleged that «Rashad's terrorist networks and their stinking Makhzenite arms were mobilized to divert attention from a major scandal in Morocco, where its youth are fleeing to their deaths rather than staying to live». This diversion attempted to exploit what happened in the stadium, the newspaper claimed.
«Mouloudia now needs to protect both its supporters and its reputation», the paper added. «Its millions of fans must remain vigilant to avoid being used as a pretext for harming Algeria's image, particularly as the club is in the running for an African championship».
Algerian party blames Morocco for football riots
The National Construction Movement, an Algerian political party, also weighed in on the events, describing them as «mere skirmishes and behaviors within a sporting context». However, the party strongly condemned what it called the «scandalous and degenerate propaganda campaign» by the Moroccan Makhzen regime, accusing it of «fabricating lies and distortions».
The party further accused Morocco of twisting the facts of the incident to «sow discord between the Algerian and Tunisian brothers» and attempting to exploit the fan's death to «challenge the patriotism of Algeria's security institutions and undermine the strong bond between the Algerian people and their People's National Army».
It concluded by saying this was a «typical tactic employed by the Moroccan regime to distract its own population from the country's political, economic, and social crises».
Meanwhile, the Tunisian Football Federation announced it had lodged a complaint with the Confederation of African Football (CAF) over the «abuses» suffered by the Monastir Union team during the match against Mouloudia Algeria.
The letter outlined the «violent incidents that took place and detailed the attacks on the Monastir delegation before, during, and after the match», the federation said in a statement.

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