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Diaspo #355 : Karim Mosta, from Casablanca to Beijing, a journey of endurance and wisdom
Publié dans Yabiladi le 21 - 09 - 2024

Karim Mosta, a retired grandfather from France, recently completed a 15,000-kilometer cycling journey from Casablanca to Beijing, inspired by Ibn Battuta's travels. Known for his long-distance challenges, Mosta shares his life experiences with younger generations, promoting education, sport, and kindness.
Now a retired grandfather living in Tonnerre, France, Karim Mosta is truly deserving of the title «inspirational grandpa». He recently returned home after a remarkable journey, retracing the steps of Ibn Battuta by cycling from Casablanca to Beijing—a distance of 15,000 kilometers—over the course of eight months.
Karim Mosta's love for sports began early. As a child in Casablanca's old medina, he first discovered his passion in the city's municipal swimming pool. «I learned to swim as soon as I could walk», he recalls, highlighting how physical activity shaped his personal development and strengthened his mindset. Even then, the future marathon runner understood the importance of pushing beyond his limits, a philosophy he continues to live by.
«I spent countless hours in the pool with Wydad Casablanca. Swimming as a child trained my mind to embrace endurance, far beyond physical performance», Mosta explains. His affinity for the water lasted until the age of sixteen, when he moved to France to join his siblings.
Without access to a swimming pool, Mosta shifted his focus to boxing, spending hours in the gym each day. His dedication paid off: out of 30 fights, he won 28 by knockout and lost only one. His trainer, recognizing his talent, eventually entrusted him with the gym, where Mosta trained others and honed his skills as a boxing coach for seven years. During this time, while working as a bartender on weekends, he had an encounter that would change his sporting career.
«A friend, a photographer for the Marathon des Sables, showed me photos from the desert. Despite being born in a country with vast deserts, I knew little about them at the time. My friend encouraged me to take on the challenge», he says.
That challenge turned into a lifelong pursuit. As the first Moroccan runner to participate in the Marathon des Sables, Mosta has since competed in 28 editions. His passion for long-distance running has taken him through deserts, across continents, and into tropical forests and islands worldwide. To Mosta, these feats are more than physical; they represent a philosophy of life. Each journey also reveals that he is often the first Moroccan to undertake such challenges, which have taken him to over 145 countries.
Sport as a philosophy of life
In recent years, Mosta has pursued even greater personal and spiritual goals. To honor his mother's dream of seeing him make the pilgrimage, he cycled from Casablanca to Mecca, crossing 13 European countries along the way. Whether on foot or by bike, long distances seem to suit him. After his pilgrimage, he cycled from Amsterdam to Dakar, carrying a message of peace and paying tribute to Abdelhak Nouri.
Now a continental pioneer in long-distance walking and running, from Brazil to China, and through countries like the USA, Mexico, Australia, and the Himalayas, Karim Mosta has explored the world not for fame or fortune, but for the sheer joy of discovery. This mindset guided his most recent adventure: cycling from Casablanca to Beijing, inspired by the travels of Ibn Battuta.
«I don't like to follow in others' footsteps. I wanted to push beyond what I've already achieved», he explains. With the support of sponsors and assistance from a Moroccan-Chinese friendship association, Mosta navigated the necessary administrative steps to complete his journey.
Now safely back home, Karim Mosta shares his experiences with the younger generation in his native Casablanca. In a neighborhood with few recreational options for youth, it's the elders who often serve as mentors. Meeting with the young footballers of Club Rahal, Mosta used his own life journey as a lesson in perseverance and self-improvement. «I emphasize two things with them: education and sport. Always strive to be a better version of yourself, but above all, be kind to others. Education is the key», he says.

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