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Trapped Moroccans in Gaza seek urgent evacuation amid ongoing war
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 09 - 2024

Several Moroccans, including Al-Yaqoubi family, remain trapped in Gaza amidst ongoing Israeli attacks, facing repeated displacement and dire conditions. They have appealed to the Moroccan government for assistance in leaving the Gaza Strip due to the lack of stability, security, and basic necessities.
Several Moroccans remain trapped in the Gaza Strip, which has been suffering from an unprecedented Israeli offensive since October 7 of last year, resulting in the deaths of more than 40,000 Palestinians.
Al-Yaqoubi family, many of whom hold Moroccan citizenship, settled in Palestine hundreds of years ago and continue to maintain ties with their homeland, regularly visiting Morocco.
The family, originally from the village of Errchida near the city of Guercif and consisting of about 100 members, has lost several relatives during the ongoing Israeli attacks.
«The situation in the Gaza Strip is dire due to repeated displacement», Mohamed Al-Yaqoubi, an audiologist and speech therapist, told Yabladi. «My name is on the Moroccan list, and our embassy in Ramallah is working to get us out. Many Moroccan nationals have already been evacuated», the 35-year-old explained. «We were waiting, but due to the invasion of Rafah and Israeli control of the crossing, we couldn't leave».
Repeated displacement and dire conditions
«We live in terrible conditions because of the constant displacement and the search for a safe place, though there is none. Bombardment comes from all directions, and there's a shortage of basic materials and aid. Living in a tent that provides no protection from the winter cold or summer heat is unbearable. On top of that, diseases, lack of medicine, and scarcity of water make our lives incredibly difficult. We can barely afford even the simplest things, but we thank God for what we have», he added.
Al-Yaqoubi continued, «Displacement is the hardest thing a person can experience. We are forced to carry all our belongings and children, moving under shelling and terror. I've been displaced six times, though I consider myself lucky because some have been displaced 20 times. Sometimes, we are given only an hour or even half an hour's notice before an invasion, and we have to leave immediately».
Alaa al-Yaqoubi, another family member whose passport was invalidated by the Israeli attacks, shared his sorrow: «We are sad to leave Palestine and Gaza, but the lack of stability and security from the war and genocide has made us seriously consider leaving the Gaza Strip».
Moroccan-Palestinians await repatriation
He appealed to the Moroccan government and King Mohammed VI : «We plead for help to leave the Gaza Strip. The situation is catastrophic due to the overcrowding of displaced people, the lack of basic necessities, and the shortage of food and aid. It has become a tragic situation».
It is worth nothing, that in a coordinated effort with Moroccan embassies in Ramallah and Cairo, the Moroccan Foreign Ministry successfully evacuated 289 Moroccan citizens from Gaza. This humanitarian operation was made possible by a recent agreement between Egypt and Israel to facilitate the departure of civilians from the besieged territory.
Israel has tightened its control over the Gaza Strip, destroying the crossing with Egypt and occupying the Philadelphi Corridor near the Egyptian border, making it nearly impossible to leave the area.
The Moroccan presence in Palestine dates back centuries, with some arriving when Sultan Yacoub al-Mansour sent them to fight alongside Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi. They settled in the Maghrebi Quarter, a neighbourhood in the southeast corner of the Old City of Al-Quds, which was closest to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Others came on pilgrimage caravans to visit the mosque and remained in the area.
In 1967, the Maghrebi neighborhood was demolished by the Israeli occupation, leading to the displacement of many Moroccans. Some remained in Palestine, while others moved to Jordan and Syria.

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