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Morocco revamps Volubilis site to boost visitor experience
Publié dans Yabiladi le 13 - 09 - 2024

The Volubilis archaeological site, Morocco's largest of its kind at 18 hectares, is undergoing a major rehabilitation aimed at upgrading its infrastructure and creating a new tourist circuit.
Supported by the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication - Department of Culture - and the Fès-Meknès Regional Council, this extensive project focuses on five main areas, as outlined at the opening of the 23rd Volubilis International Festival of Traditional World Music on Thursday evening (September 12-15).
First, the development will enhance the site's reception infrastructure, including the main entrance, the Cultural Heritage Interpretation Center (CIP), service facilities, and the researchers' house. This part of the project, requiring an investment of over 1.732 million dirhams (MDH), aims to improve the overall reception at the archaeological site.
The second phase involves redeveloping access points such as the parking lot and entrance, as well as the economic area with kiosks and stores. It will also enhance the entrance garden and the surrounding reception areas, develop an event space with a stage, amphitheater, and furniture, and improve lighting, signage, river water management, and the memorial garden. This phase, running from 2024 to 2026, will see an investment of 4 million DH.
Additionally, a tourist circuit will be created with walkways, directional and explanatory signage, and improved furniture and lighting. Scheduled for completion between 2024 and 2025, this project will cost 1.5 MDH.
The Ministry is also planning to secure the Volubilis site with a 3.5 km metal fence and a video surveillance system, at a total cost of over 5.4 MDH. Restoration work on three key monuments in Volubilis—Tangier Gate, the Decumanus Maximus portico, and the mosaic depicting the Labors of Hercules—will cost 4 MDH.
In a statement to MAP, site curator Yassine Lamghari highlighted the importance of these efforts as part of the Ministry's strategy to enhance and preserve this culturally and historically significant site for Morocco and Meknes in particular.
The projects aim to improve visitor access by redesigning routes, including those for people with special needs, and to enhance safety while restoring key monuments.

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