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Moroccans among top 5 shopping tourists in Andalusia, Spain
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 08 - 2024

From August 14 to 21, El Corte Inglés shopping centers along the Costa del Sol hosted a Moroccan cultural and tourism week. This event, initiated by the Moroccan National Tourism Office (ONMT), highlights the close ties and shared interests between the two countries in the tourism sector. Gaël Vignon, head of the international customer department for Morocco at El Corte Inglés, spoke with Yabiladi about the Iberian market's interest in Moroccan tourists.
Spain is experiencing record-breaking tourist numbers, with Moroccan visitors increasing significantly in recent years. What are the statistics and habits of Moroccan tourists?
Figures released by the port authorities of Algeciras and Tarifa indicate that over 2,600,000 Moroccan passengers travel between Spain and Morocco from June to October. This impressive figure doesn't even account for those arriving at Malaga Airport during the same period. These results demonstrate why Moroccan tourism has become a cornerstone of the economy in southern Spanish coastal cities, particularly along the Costa del Sol.
Each summer, hundreds of thousands of Moroccans pass through Andalusia, consistently ranking among the top shoppers in our shopping centers, not only on the coast but also in inland cities like Granada. Whether at El Corte Inglés Marbella, our flagship center in Andalusia, our Supercor supermarkets, our designer outlet El Corte Inglés Mijas, or even El Corte Inglés Malaga near the historic city center, Moroccan tourists are key players in local shopping throughout the summer.
Moroccans often speak of Spain for its beaches, famous football clubs, and tapas, but shopping is also a major draw. What advantages do Iberian businesses offer compared to other European countries?
We offer a wide range of local fashion brands for women, men, and children, as well as fashion accessories, leather goods, and footwear with excellent value for money. Brands such as Sfera, Tintoretto, Enfasis, Emidio Tucci, Dustin, La Touche, and Cotton Juice are major attractions at El Corte Inglés centers. Our exquisite El Corte Inglés perfumeries, along with the sports, audio, video, and jewelry departments, offer a clear competitive edge and generate particular enthusiasm among Moroccan customers.
Of course, Spain allows the most discerning shoppers to find all the major luxury brands available in Madrid, Barcelona, and Marbella, all just an hour away by plane or boat. The summer sales offer discounts of up to 70% in all our department stores. One of the main reasons for the success of shopping in Spain is that Moroccans can shop tax-free, with one of the highest tax refund rates in Europe, up to 15.7%, and without a minimum purchase! Moroccans can also benefit from the 10% Reward discount card offered by El Corte Inglés to foreign tourists.
How do Moroccan tourists compare to other nationalities in terms of shopping revenue?
Moroccans rank among the top nationalities, with a significant presence in our Costa del Sol stores. Moroccan consumers share their passion for shopping with other nationalities, such as the growing U.S. market, as well as visitors from the UK and Middle Eastern countries, which strengthens their attachment to Spain, particularly Andalusia, each summer. In terms of tax-free shopping, Moroccan clients are knowledgeable and loyal, as they are key users of our tax-free services and Global Blue Lounges located at El Corte Inglés Marbella. Moroccans need no lessons in shopping!
What are the preferred categories for Moroccan tourists in El Corte Inglés stores?
The women's, men's, and children's fashion sections, along with shoes, leather goods, sports, and supermarket departments, are the most visited by Moroccan shoppers. During the summer, our gourmet food sections, cafeterias, and especially our international restaurants become popular meeting places where it's common to gather with family and friends and greet acquaintances also spending the summer on the Coast.
Which El Corte Inglés stores attract the most Moroccan tourists? Are there any specific differences compared to other nationalities?
El Corte Inglés Marbella is the preferred department store in Southern Spain! It offers a premium shopping experience, featuring the finest brands, cutting-edge services, and a varied international dining selection. It's certainly our most visited store in Andalusia.
However, we're seeing growing interest in our other shopping centers, such as the one in Malaga, located in the heart of the city, just five minutes from the port. It stands out not only for its magnificent commercial offerings but also for its exceptional panoramic terrace with breathtaking views of the city, sea, and mountains.
The El Corte Inglés Outlet for designer brands in Mijas is also very popular among Moroccan visitors, as is our boutique in the center of Granada, which is highly appreciated before or after the must-see Alhambra.
In Andalusia, El Corte Inglés is also present in Algeciras, Sotogrande, El Ejido, Jaen, Seville, Cordoba, and Cadiz. And let's not forget our splendid centers in Madrid, Barcelona, and Lisbon. There will always be an El Corte Inglés store to complement your tourist visit to the Iberian Peninsula!
In addition to Moroccans from Morocco, there are Moroccans living in Europe who flock en masse in the summer. Are they counted as Moroccan tourists?
Indeed, only customers who present a Moroccan identity document when obtaining the 10% Reward card, claiming tax-free refunds, or making a purchase with a Moroccan credit card are identified as Moroccan. We know that each summer, thousands of dual-nationality clients visit our shopping centers and may present themselves as French, Belgian, Dutch, etc., which can lead to an underestimation of the actual number of Moroccan visitors. That said, Moroccans are enthusiastic users of our tax-free services, which intra-EU customers cannot benefit from... So there's every reason to identify as Moroccan to take advantage of the tax refund.
The El Corte Inglés Algeciras shopping center is located opposite the port, a convergence point for millions of Moroccans each year. What actions do you take to attract this transient clientele?
Indeed, El Corte Inglés Bahía de Algeciras represents a fantastic opportunity for last-minute shopping before changing continents! Ideally located opposite the port, strategically nestled at the edge of two worlds, it offers a diverse range from fashion to perfumery, gourmet products, and a well-stocked supermarket, meeting all the needs of visitors looking for souvenirs or essential items.
While waiting for embarkation on the way to Tarifa, or even when returning from the country, El Corte Inglés Algeciras provides a welcome stop, offering not only the chance for last-minute purchases but also a place to recharge before continuing the journey. Whether finding the perfect gift or simply relaxing between destinations in our new «kiosk» cafeteria, located on a beautiful terrace overlooking the port, El Corte Inglés is much more than a shopping center – it's an essential stop for all travelers crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.
Welcome offer from El Corte Inglés
To enrich their experience, customers will be able to take advantage of their 10% Reward card by presenting a Moroccan ID, as well as our tax-free services with no minimum purchase amount.
In addition, and exclusively for Yabiladi visitors, a tapa and a drink of your choice will be offered by showing your Yabiladi invitation and a same-day purchase receipt.

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